Mar 11 2009

Where Are The Baby Photos?

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 2:12 pm

A few of this site’s recent visitors are not entirely comfortable with how blogs operate, so this is a quick explanation post for those wanting to skip straight to the Anna pictures…

You can either read the blog like a newspaper – read the front page, and then click on the Previous Entries link at the bottom of each page, to carry out the equivalent of turning to page 2,3,4 etc. You will always see the newest posts on the front page, with older ones gradually being pushed down the front page, onto the second and so on. So if you saw a post on the front page a week ago, it still exists, it may have just been pushed down onto the second or third page.

OR you can click straight onto the Anna’s Photos category, which is accessible from every page in the 2nd column on the right. When you get to this archive of posts, you will only see a summary for each one – to actually look at the photos, click on each post’s title.

If you prefer, you can also visit Anna’s own site which will always have an up to date link leading to her photos on this blog.

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