Nov 22 2009

Three In One Week!

Category: FriendsChrisM @ 3:32 am

Happy Birthday Alex 🙂

Happy Birthday Alex


4 Responses to “Three In One Week!”

  1. Alex C says:

    Hey, that’s odd – I left a comment the other day but it’s not here. I’ll say it again –

    Thank you Chris and Irina for the birthday wishes. It’s a lovely choice of picture too 🙂

  2. ChrisM says:

    I double checked my list of spam comments, and you weren’t in there, so it is indeed a mystery. I’m glad the picture is OK, I wasn’t sure if there was something glaringly inappropriate in using it, but it looked pretty, so I decided to try it out. It looks a bit like someone has scanned in a real world card-based, errr, card, rather than digitally created it from scratch.

  3. Alex C says:

    Thinking about it, there’s a high possibility that I wrote the comment but got distracted by something else (as I tend to multi task rather a lot on the computer due to slow slow download speed). Then the connection may well have dopped before it actually got posted and I didn’t notice.
    Yes, you can see teh scanned glue blobs on the glittery moon 🙂

  4. ChrisM says:

    I know what you mean re. multiple tasks ongoing with slow net connection. I still have around 35 tabs open in firefox right now, all waiting for some work to be completed before I can close them 🙂