Jan 21 2010

Take Cover…

Category: Anna's PhotosChrisM @ 12:55 am

Or at least wear something that hides stains really well the next time you are around Anna when she is about to enjoy some pasta and sauce. Regular readers will remember the previous photos of Anna’s mildly inaccurate food placement photos before, but I really think this one catches the moment pretty well. Namely her happiness with having sauce, pasta and meat to eat by hand, without silly Mum or Dad slowing her down, the wide area which such food normally leaves its mark, and also further proof that, despite Anna’s occasional very vocal protests, she really does still need to wear a bib when eating some foods 🙂

Do NOT Get In Between This Cutie And Her Pasta!

Do NOT Get In Between This Cutie And Her Pasta!

Oh, the photo was shot on the 10th of January. Another four or five posts and we’ll have once more caught up to real time posting of Anna’s pictures. I’ll wait a few days though, as the last 1/2 week’s posts take up the entire front page, and I know some friends and family don’t always get around to clicking the Previous Entries link to check out the second page.

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10 Responses to “Take Cover…”

  1. Chris Merriman says:

    She enjoys it, and as long as it doesn't make it onto the walls, then no problem 🙂

  2. IrinaM says:

    When Anna eats pasta (which is her favourite food) she looks like she has never been fed before!!!

  3. Chris says:

    She enjoys it, and as long as it doesn't make it onto the walls, then no problem 🙂

  4. ChrisM says:

    Or that she thinks she might not get fed again for a couple of days, so she should stock up in advance 🙂

  5. Alex C says:

    I love the look of complete innocence on Anna’s face. It’s a georgous photo – the “awwwwh” factor completely overides the “eeewwww” factor 🙂

  6. ChrisM says:

    Sorry for the delay in this reply, I’ve been taking it easy on the PC, back has been playing me up. We definitely like the photo as well, just a shame it was taken after we made the book for Mum and Dad.

  7. Alex C says:

    That’s ok, me too. I really must get around to another blog post soon. I just haven’t been in the right frame of mind of late.
    I’m sure there will be another opportunity for another book that you could put it in. You could do one for every year.

  8. ChrisM says:

    I’m the same with posts right now, I’ve got around five with Anna photos I need to post, and around 60 ideas for posts that I’ve saved interesting links etc. in a draft msg in GMail (got fed up losing bookmarks booting between XP, Vista and 7).