May 26 2007

Why Don’t Penguins’ Feet Freeze?

Category: BooksChrisM @ 3:55 am

Why Don’t Penguins’ Feet Freeze? – Various contributors from the New Scientist magazine

If you or even a 4 year old (eternal fans of Why…. conversations) has ever posed that question, this book should keep you occupied, and even provide answers to strange queries.
I remember reading my Dad’s New Scientist when I was younger, and making myself reading the ‘normal’ topics, then gleefully skipping the jobs section, to get to the sweet spot of NS – the Last Word column, strangely enough on the last page. A bit like reading the news stories before allowing yourself the light relief of a comic strip 🙂
If you don’t get the idea of the book from the above description, it probably isn’t for you 🙂
Oh, and thanks Dad for the intro to the magazine, and sending one over recently.

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