Jun 03 2010

Step By Step New Hotmail Account Guide

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 12:41 am

If you are Roger (Dad’s next door neighbour), this post if for YOU! If you aren’t him, and are just reading this blog post because it is on the front page, feel free to keep reading if you need a step by step guide to starting a new Hotmail account. If I was in Evesham right now, I’d probably try and convince Roger that a GMail address might be a better idea, but that would take too long using Dad as a message relayer 🙂

Anyway, onto the guide.

1) Turn on the PC. Start your preferred internet browser (likely to be Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome)

Start Your Internet Browser

Start Your Internet Browser

2) Enter www.hotmail.co.uk in the address bar, and press Return or Enter on the keyboard

Enter The Address

Enter The Address

Press Return Or Enter (Thanks Wikimedia)

Press Return Or Enter

3) Click the Sign Up button located in the lower left of the screen
(Hoping a screen shot isn’t necessary here 🙂 )

4) Decide whether you want a @hotmail.co.uk or a @live.co.uk address. It makes NO differences, other than personal preference. If hotmail is your choice, proceed to step 5. If you want live.co.uk, click the first drop down box and click on live.co.uk

5) Pick an address you want to use. It makes sense to choose something that is difficult to mis-spell, easy to remember, and finally, something someone else will not have already registered. Bad choice examples: amateurastrologer@hotmail.co.uk , committed_drunkenness@live.co.uk , john.smith@hotmail.co.uk . All of those are either easy for other people to spell incorrectly, or will most likely have been registered already.

6) Enter your chosen e-mail address in the first text entry box. Click the check availability button. Swear loudly as you discover someone else already has the exact address you want. If it isn’t free, Microsoft will ask for your name and some relevant interests and suggest available e-mail addresses you might like. Either follow their steps, or click on the little X in the Windows Live ID advanced search box and type in a new e-mail address. Again click the check availability button. Repeat these step until you are informed that your chosen address is available. (If possible, try not to select an alternative address they offer that has a number on the end. Again, easy for other people to mis-type/remember it).

7) Select a password that you want to use to sign into this e-mail account. If possible, choose something you do NOT use anywhere else online. It needs to be six characters long, and if you use a mixture of lower and UPPER case letters, numbers and special characters (£${ etc. etc.) it will be harder for other people to guess your password and hack in. It will also make it more difficult for you to remember, so try and find a balance 🙂 Type this same password into the retype password box.

8) If you have now selected an e-mail address and password that Microsoft isn’t complaining about WRITE THEM DOWN NOW. TWICE. Keep each piece of paper in a different room, so if you ever forget your address or password, and can’t find the 1st piece of paper with the details recorded on, you have a second chance.

9) If you already have a different e-mail address that you can still access, enter it in the Alternate e-mail address box. This is the address that Microsoft will use if you ever ask to reset your password if you’ve forgotten it (and lost both pieces of paper). If you don’t already have an e-mail account, click the “Or choose a security question for password reset” link. If you clicked the link, select a question you won’t ever forget the answer to, and enter that answer in the Secret Answer box.

10) Fill in the rest of the boxes down to Birth Year with your relevant information.

Fill In Other Boxes. ZIP=Post Code

Fill In Other Boxes. ZIP=Post Code

11) In the text box below Birth Year, you need to type the eight characters shown in the image just above it. This is Microsoft’s attempt to make sure you are a real human asking for an e-mail address. They apparently had problems with hamsters and motorbikes pretending to be humanoid and asking for addresses. Or it could have been people using automatic systems for spamming. I can never remember which.

Capcha Code

Capcha Code

12) Untick the “Send me e-mail with promotional … ….” box. Double check all the boxes on the page are correctly filled in.

13) Click I accept. If all information has been entered correctly, you will now be logged into your e-mail account. The first time you send an e-mail, you may be asked to enter another eight letters from a strange looking image. Again, another anti-spam step.

14) In the future, visit hotmail.co.uk, and if you see your e-mail account on the right hand side, click sign in. Then enter your password, and click sign in. If you are on a different computer or internet browser, you will also need to enter your e-mail address.

15) Ideally, repeat steps 1-13 and create a second e-mail address that you will use when signing up for other accounts online. Why? Your first e-mail address is for friends, family and people who you trust to send you real e-mails. The second account you create can be given to anyone/any company online. This way, if these companies spam you, it won’t interfere with your personal e-mail account, and if the spam ever gets too bad, you can just create a new second account, and not have to tell all your friends to use a new e-mail address.

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Oct 08 2008

Don’t Want To Register?

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 2:54 am

Having just seen a section of a Ray Mears episode I’d already caught before, I wanted to check if he had done any filming in Kazakhstan. Simple enough, chuck in Ray Mears Kazakhstan to the search box in Firefox, and wait to see what gems Google returns. One of the entries looked interesting, so I opened it in a new tab, and checked to see what people had to say with ‘Bear Grylls or Ray Mears – who’d survive?” as the ecademy thread title. I was greeted with a “Join Now or Login to read all comments and to submit your own content, questions and comments.” message. Rather than register at every forum or knowledgebase that may or may not have useful information, I have two approaches to such occasions. The first is to return to the Google search results, and click on the Cached link at the bottom of most search results. This will then open up a page with what the Google bot originally found. This tends to effectively grant full access, as if the search engines can’t see the content, then search results aren’t likely to include the site.
Alternatively, if there is no cached version available, or if the site looks too garbled, I use the BugMeNot add in for Firefox. This checks their database for accounts that have been previously shared by other users, and if a match is found, you can log in without handing over your e-mail address to an organization you don’t know well.
If you use the second method, don’t forget that posting under that account is not a great idea, as anyone potentially has access to the same account, and may also alert the site owners to the fact that the account in question is not strictly genuine any more.

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Jul 15 2007

Shock… Well Mild Surprise… OK No Suprise At All

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 1:37 am

I won’t link to all the previous Paris Hilton stories, just type her name into the search box on the left if you would like to read the older ones. Anyway, there was a massive amount of, well, non-amazement as the LA Association for Deputy Sheriffs claimed she was given preferential treatment.
Apparently, she was given a mobile phone, so she would not have to wait in a line with all the other inmates, who have to wait and queue to use a pay phone. Rather than have some skanky, pre-used prison uniform, she was given a new, unused set, and her mail was delivered personally by a captain, rather than trusting the post to be delivered by another inmate, as is the norm.
OK, the mail part I can possibly see an argument for, but if the mail delivery inmate is chosen for their (relative) trustworthiness, there shouldn’t be an issue. Other than that, if the allegations are true (currently they are refuted by the LA Sherriff’s dept. itself), I sincerely hope the decision makers are chastised. If it can be proven any favours/dollars were involved, the perpetrators need to be fired, with no pension etc.

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May 18 2007

Google Changes Search Method

Category: In The Media,PersonalChrisM @ 11:14 pm

At least according to a BBC journalist. However, the main difference actually seems to be that the ‘Web Images News’ etc. is no longer placed above the search box, but has been moved to above the results.
Perhaps I’m being too cynical, but it seems to me that the journo simply took a Press Release at face value, and lapped up Google’s proclamations of the next iteration of their search engine results.
Decide for yourself, headover to the .com version of google, make a search and then read the article.

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May 15 2007

Possible Solution To Technorati Issues

Category: Personal,WordPressChrisM @ 2:06 am

If your blog has stopped appearing in Technorati’s directory, so you get

Sorry :~(

We’re sorry…we don’t have a blog by that name. If this is your blog, ping us so we can put it in our index!

when you search on a link like this – http://www.technorati.com/blogs/www.chrismerriman.com , as opposed to just searching via their search box, there may be light at the end of the tunnel.

If your blog hasn’t been flagged and deliberately removed from their directory, you can try turning off GZip compression.
The procedure for this depends on your blogging system, but for fellow WordPress users, all you need to is goto your dashboard, click on the Options link, click onto Reading, and untick the Use GZip box. Save, write a post as normal (assuming you do already have Technorati’s ping address in your list). You can also try a manual ping, by logging into Technorati and going to the My Account section.

If you use something other than WordPress, have a nose around your options, or failing that, there is a server-level mod you can make – see http://support.technorati.com/topic/411/

If it doesn’t work, my apologies for raising your hopes, but it has helped some people. I’m still waiting to see if it will sort this blog out or not…

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Apr 18 2007

Theme Modified

Category: Personal,WordPressChrisM @ 1:03 am

I’ve removed the original search function from the theme I use (Anaconda). I noticed that if you attempted to search whilst on certain pages, the search function was not correctly parsed.
Having had a quick poke around the code and, not surprisingly, not being able to trace the fault, I’ve bodged it.
The original search box in the header has been removed, and a (working) similar box in the right hand column.
If anyone notices other errors, I’d be very grateful if they could either leave a comment, or contact me.

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