Nov 20 2009

Mobile Phone Company In Good Customer Service Shocker!

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 1:05 am

I finally got around to calling Orange (a UK mobile phone network provider) today and asking them why my final bill was double what was expected. In the end, I didn’t end up wishing I’d recorded my previous call to them.
The first call I placed through Skype (international calls to a British mobile number are expensive on Kazakh landlines), and 12 minutes into the call, all seemed well – they found out where the problem was, seemed amicable to discussing removing the extra month’s charge from the bill, and had just transferred me to the next department I needed to clear things with, when either Skype or my internet connection went very dodgy. The audio had large gaps with silence, but no skipping, so there were huge delays. Deciding to cut my losses, I called back from a normal phone, and spoke to a couple of very helpful and friendly lads. We’ll have to wait and see whether the final paper bill (due in just over a week) confirms what was offered on the phone, but it looks like the superfluous month will be knocked off, and even a bit extra deducted to cover the cost of me calling them internationally!

I’m the first to shout from the rooftops if I am at the receiving end of bad customer service, so I wanted to take a minute to say Thank You to Orange for their customer service attitude and ability to see beyond “losing” 18 pounds and realising that keeping a customer happy (and loyal) makes more sense in the long term. (I’m switching to PAYG whilst in Kazakhstan, as I rarely use that phone and SIM card unless in Britain).

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Nov 20 2009

Anna Video Catch Up Begins

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 12:05 am

As I have mentioned a couple of times previously, the videos of Anna on this site have all been taken from Ira’s photo camera. Although we had a camcorder in Britain and here in Kazakhstan, we didn’t often get it out to tape Anna. Not sure why, but there you go. Anyway, I’ve finally dug out the firewire lead and hooked up the camcorder to this PC to transfer the few clips across.

This first one was shot on the 28th February 2009, when Anna was just one week old! I know the clip isn’t very long, but this was the first time we used the camcorder to record how Anna looked.

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Nov 06 2009

Anna And Shapes On The Floor

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 10:52 pm

Shot on the same day (11th of September 2009) as the Smiling Anna At Home post from yesterday, here we have a couple of new videos for you to watch. Not really a lot of movement going on, this is really a post for the friends and family back in Britain who’ve not seen just how much Anna has changed over the months since we were last there.

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Nov 02 2009

Lucky21842 Live

Category: VideosChrisM @ 1:43 am

So Lucky is planning to give a live webcast later on today, at around 6pm (our time – should be midday in Britain, 8am on the East Coast in American, and 9pm in Japan?)
Anyway, here is the man himself explaining a little more in a YouTube vid he uploaded on the subject.

I’m going to be teaching an English lesson around that time, but hopefully there’ll be some sort of archive so I can play it back, even if real time interaction is out the window…
So, head over there if you want to ask an American living in Almaty, Kazakhstan what life is like (though he probably answered a lot of your questions in his other YouTube videos, so go and watch a few first 🙂 ).

Oh, the BlogTV URL is here.

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Nov 01 2009

Anna Update – Early November

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 10:28 pm

So, with more pictures of Anna coming in the week, how is her progress right now?

Last week she managed to co-ordinate crawling forward. She has obviously been happy crawling backwards for months, but until now never seemed particularly bothered about moving head first. Rolling from tummy to back to tummy again, combined with backwards crawling had got her everywhere she wanted to go, but now (especially with a remote control on the floor as the motivation) she’ll often choose crawling normally instead.

Food and drink – most purée flavours have been tried, as well as creating our own from the fruit and vegetables stored from the in-laws’ garden. To be honest, Anna is only really interested in the purée if it is sweet – she’ll eat other types, but if there is a high fruit content, Anna will be found with her mouth open, asking for more straight away! We are trying to make sure the store-bought ones don’t have any added salt or sugar, which can take a while with having to read all the ingredients. (Anyone who knows my cooking/Russian reading skills we’ll realise the ‘we’ part is in fact Irina.)

Although still wearing nappies and pull-up-training pants, Anna is now happy using the potty, although being only 8 months old, we’re not at all worried when she does just let go in her nappy, as opposed to waiting for the potty. Without going into too much detail, you can definitely now tell she is eating solid food!

In the coming weeks, Anna is going to be trying out both yoga (for mothers and babies), and swimming (with an instructor) which should be interesting. I’ve got about 10 Anna photos to post, and then I need to finally crack out the firewire cable and put the (very limited amount of) video on the camcorder onto YouTube and this blog. I think it may just be a few minutes from around the time when Anna was born, back in Britain.

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Oct 28 2009

Real world, Electronic or Non-Existant?

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 11:24 pm

Irina has been ordering a few items for Anna on e-bay, but obviously concentrating on larger sizes, so we can just pick up the clothes when we next return to Britain, rather than having them all reposted to Kazakhstan. So far, we don’t seem to have suffered problems with the Royal Mail strike having delayed anything (touch wood), but according to the BBC’s article on the changing habits of British people sending postcards more and more people will be sending electronic cards this year, in an attempt to save money, and also bypass the whole ‘lost in the post’ issue that occasionally put a damper on proceedings. We sort of operate a half way policy – there is no point in us actually sending real cards from Kazakhsan to people on their birthdays/Christmas, as the post isn’t reliable (see Lucky’s video which will be embedded in an upcoming post) and the selection of available cards over here still isn’t great. So for immediate family, we use an online service that prints a personalised card and then posts it, and for everyone else, we just hope they won’t be offended if we don’t re-start the whole greeting card thing when we move back to Britain.

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Oct 15 2009

From RV To Caravan

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 2:45 pm

I’m hoping that Mum and John are having a good time down in Falmouth, where they’ve parked their caravan to have a mini-break away from the stresses of work and see Nick, Ros and Ros’ mum. Last year they made the decision to sell the motor-home they had toured round in, as it was a little impractical to drive it down some of the narrow country roads you find in the more picturesque areas of Britain. I’m hoping we’ll see some posts from John on their trip, with a few photos, upon their return, as John has come on leaps and bounds in terms of regularly posting.

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Oct 15 2009

Hot Water!!!

Category: Kazakhstan,Personal,WeatherChrisM @ 1:20 pm

For the first time in over half a year, we have hot water being supplied to us by the people that run our apartment blocks! When we returned from Britain back in May, we installed a water heater in the second bathroom so we could easily bathe Anna etc., but the kitchen water supply was on a different pipe, so whenever we did the washing up, we had to go and fill the washing up bowl with water from the taps in the bathroom.
No hot water (because a lot of other residents owed a LOT of money to the company (something shocking like $130,000!), and so the company couldn’t afford to buy the diesel to power the boilers) also meant no heating – not such a problem in the summer when temperatures can occasionally peak at 40 degrees centigrade, but as winter draws nearer, the electric fire re-borrowed from the in-laws wasn’t really going to cut it, in terms of keeping Anna warm, and the air conditioner unit has a nice warm air function, but can’t be used once outside temperatures are below freezing. So far the hot water coming out the taps is a little orange still, which will soon pass, and the radiators aren’t that much better than room temperature, but there is at least hope 🙂


Oct 13 2009

Pinked Chavs?

Category: In The MediaChrisM @ 3:06 pm

I’ve got a few videos I’ll be posting later that display some of Britain’s finest, most up standing citizens (/sarcasm) chavs choosing the wrong people to start some aggravation with. However, for now, please make do with this short piece from BBC news, that details one approach to stop troublesome tearaway teenagers from congregating in some areas. Now, yes, they could just buy some creams and then continue to hang around in alleyways. However I suspect they’ll just move along to the next dimly lit corner that doesn’t have pink lighting installed!

This reporter needs to have a quiet word with whoever edited the video – the first frame you see whilst waiting for the buffering to complete does not show him at his best, especially with his eyes like that!
Ooops, looks like when I borrowed the embed code from the BBC website that I missed some sort of don’t autoplay function. Click the link below to see the post on its own, and watch the video.
Continue reading “Pinked Chavs?”

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Oct 12 2009

Happy Birthday Bro

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 1:35 am

As you have most likely guessed from this post’s title, today (12th October – we’re just into that day over here in Kazakhstan, and I doubt he’ll read this in the 4 or so hours left of the 11th of October back in Britain) is my brother’s birthday. He already has the best present he could wish for, as his Facebook friend’s and reader’s of John’s blog already know. I’ll post on that soon.

Happy Birthday Nick Merriman

I hope you have a great day with your family and friends, and that you stay sober enough to remember it Tuesday morning 🙂

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