Apr 04 2009

Park By The Pub With A Crazy Golf Course

Category: Anna's Photos,PersonalChrisM @ 9:02 pm

4th April – I’ll try and remember to update this post’s title when I discover the real name for the park in Swansea. I think I tweeted from there, and possibly originally included a snapshot from my phone and the GPS location. Anyway, Irina and I originally visited this area (Sketty Lane? Rd?) a few years ago, and wanted to take Anna there before we left for Kazakhstan. You can’t quite walk right around the little pond there unless the sun has dried out the muddy patches, but Gwen enjoyed the trip, and we popped over the road to see the beach before we left. Which reminds me, if anyone found our cute little baby toy, that can be suspended from a pram’s handle, in the area, let me know 🙁

It looks as though there weren’t any photos taken on Irina’s camera for another three weeks. I’m guessing Anna’s immunizations, drop in clinics, my and John’s 30th and 60th birthdays, preparations for moving to Kazakhstan and other assorted distractions kept us from taking many shots. Or I just forgot to copy them over from the memory card. Anyway, one more post to go before I’ve emptied the hard drive of Anna Photos. This batch of posts were originally written around 16th/17th May, and scheduled for publishing over a week or so, to ensure people had a chance to see the pictures before they dropped off the bottom of the first page, and also as a rather blatant attempt to encourage people to become regular visitors here 🙂

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