May 24 2011

Paddling Pool Videos

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 2:15 pm

From the same day (20th of June 2010), here we have a lot of videos (I’ve cut down the clips to 9!). We have Anna having a little assistance with undoing her pyramidka, Babushka splashing around a little, for once not complaining when a hastily removed hat is refitted, Irina carrying on with an exercise Anna did when she was getting used to playing in the water (which reminds me, we definitely need to check if the swimming instructor is back in Astana again yet). Then we have Anna taking a break from the tiring playing in the paddling pool to grab a snack at her table and stool, Anna helping to mix in some additional hot water, Anna being watered to ensure she grows up big and strong, and a couple more general paddling pool clips. Excuse the list like nature of this post, but it is hard to write nine unique descriptions when the content is all around the same theme 🙂

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