Nov 20 2010

Keeping Bills Down

Category: Windows MobileChrisM @ 2:35 am

This application (Modaco NoData) is very small and performs one simple task – it disables any of the GPRS/EDGE/3G data connections on your phone that you tell it to.
Why on earth would you want to do that? Two reasons, if you know you will be away from mains electricity for an extended period of time (camping, no AC adaptor/USB sockets in another country), then disabling data connections will increase your phone’s battery life. Secondly, and I imagine the reason most people use it is if you travel abroad/outside of your network’s coverage, and have roaming enabled with your mobile phone network company. If you have a few programs automatically update their data online (for example perhaps your RSS feed reader checks for new pages that mention Kazakh furniture), then hugely expensive (data-based) phone bills could occur. Obviously remember to re-enable to connections when you return to your home country.
I have read that since .NET CF 3.5 was integrated into the latest Windows Mobile 6.5.x ROMs, NoData may not work any more. If this is the case, you’ll need to delete your data connection settings, remember to keep a note of the APN, user name and password etc., for re-creating the connection when you get back home.


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