Nov 16 2009

Innocently Looking Around

Category: Anna's PhotosChrisM @ 2:41 am

This looks to be the last of the backlog of Anna’s pictures. Taken on the 27th of September 2009, in the in-laws’ kitchen again. Anna has since discovered the joys of crawling forwards, as well as backwards. Anna has a slightly mischievous look on her face, can’t remember for certain, but a likely reason is she has spotted a kitten to ‘play’ with. We’re still trying to teach her that stroking animals involves carefully running your hand over them, not seeing how much fur you can remove in one handful! (Note to any concerned family/friends – we try and ensure all Anna/cat interactions are closely monitored, for both Anna’s and the cats’ sake).

Weird, I just ran the auto-tagging feature I’ve installed on this blog, and one suggestion was Mr God. Not sure if this is some Red Dwarf reference?

Anna And Chris Crawling

Anna And Chris Crawling


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