The same day that the post’s previous photos were shot on (22nd of June 2010), this time round we have some videos…
We again have the plane ride, which apparently plays Hickory Dickory Dock !? A couple of ball pit clips (including Anna ensuring you had all the balls inside the pit, thank you), in the play kitchen, and one of a doll being cared for in a less than ideal way!
Sometime soon we’ll have to return to Duman and take Anna around the aquarium itself, as well as seeing if she likes the ball pit and play area still.
From the same day (20th of June 2010), here we have a lot of videos (I’ve cut down the clips to 9!). We have Anna having a little assistance with undoing her pyramidka, Babushka splashing around a little, for once not complaining when a hastily removed hat is refitted, Irina carrying on with an exercise Anna did when she was getting used to playing in the water (which reminds me, we definitely need to check if the swimming instructor is back in Astana again yet). Then we have Anna taking a break from the tiring playing in the paddling pool to grab a snack at her table and stool, Anna helping to mix in some additional hot water, Anna being watered to ensure she grows up big and strong, and a couple more general paddling pool clips. Excuse the list like nature of this post, but it is hard to write nine unique descriptions when the content is all around the same theme 🙂
Back before Anna had her first ever hair cut, she eventually needed a hair clip to keep it out of her eyes. I might have missed it in previous clips, but you can definitely see it in place (an achievement, as she normally pulls them straight out) as she gives a performance to family friends with her squeaky chair again. This was the 19th of June 2010.
Last of the post from the 6th of June, here we have Anna enjoying some singing birds, a push-a-long bird and a comfy seat that doubles as a parasol base. Anna knew that to make the birds sing, you had to nudge them. Nudging wasn’t quite a skill that had yet been acquired however, so one of the birds decides to take an instant interest in the wooden floor…
It seems as though I was wrong in the last video post – there is not yet any sand in the sand pit…
Once again, I have found some similarly themed videos from a little later (13th June 2010), so I’ve decided to add them here instead of starting a new post.
This first one is Anna discovering alternative ways to change tracks on her MP3 player, followed by a “I’m a little teapot” dance.
Anna takes her ball for a little kick around, once she has safely navigated the steps, noticed a dog barking and gone for a little wander.
Eating and apparently enjoying berries.
Yes, yes, I know, a lot of videos in this post, only a couple left now 🙂
Irina watching Anna.
Apparently the little bird was restored to his perch.
Moving into June (the 5th, in 2010 to be precise), we have a couple of clips, again on the decking in the rear garden at Chubary.
The birds reference in this post’s title? Anna has one attached to a stick that flaps it’s wings as you push it, and a little toy that plays birdsong when you press a button or flick the birds. It doesn’t seem to be working this year, despite new batteries being inserted. A bit of a shame, as it made quite pleasant background noise as you soaked up the sun (or cowered from sun burn in my case).
The house? The playhouse for Anna was now complete, with Anna seemingly very happy with her little hideaway with it’s built in bench for her. Some talented people working at Imstalkon, that is for sure.
Sand? The sandpit looks to be in place here, though I’m not certain it actually has sand in it yet. I did fear a Shameless-style scenario at one point (the one where the Youth Mayor candidate holds a beach party in the middle of Manchester), but no problems so far 🙂
As previously mentioned (see the last video from the Veggie Patch post) Anna’s playhouse had just arrived, and from the look of these clips, was almost complete. It still needed a wooden front, and perhaps some varnish, but Anna already seems happy with it. The date was the 30th of May 2010.
The first clip shows Anna apparently considering changing from an iPhone to baby wipes to be an upgrade! No comment 😉
No sandpit yet (it eventually was placed behind where you can see Dedushka sitting, with a cute ladybird style collapsing cover), but the wipes are still apparently fun!
Whilst the playhouse wasn’t complete, Anna decided it was already worthy of acting as a garage?
An old neighbour of Irina (from their old flat) met up with Ira and Anna in Astana Park, just across the road from us. The neighbour now has a son, so Anna had someone to play “with”. Even now, the concept of sharing is a little beyond Anna sometimes, and given that video was shot almost a year ago (26th of May 2010), back then I suppose we should just be grateful that she didn’t have a screaming fit when the ball wasn’t in her hands.
Give Anna a couple more months, and I think she’ll have better football skills than me, though I’m fairly confident I’ll beat her in a game of rugby for a few years yet 🙂
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This is the last of the posts with clips that have Anna in them, shot on the 22nd May 2010. I still see quite a few new visitors to this site, so to those who haven’t seen previous explanations, the inclusion of the date in each of Anna’s photo or video posts isn’t necessarily some sort of OCD indicator! It is just that these two categories get automatically imported by Anna’s own site, and eventually I want to set those post date’s to when the media was originally recorded.
These similar clips were shot when we didn’t have a CD player in the kitchen in Chubary, however Anna seemed to like the noises her little car made, so she would occasionally press the button and do her little Anna dance for us 🙂 Luckily Irina thought to record it.
This one was recorded the next day, but as it was so similar, it seemed to make more sense to pop it into this post
Heading over to Ira’s parents’ house again on the 22nd of May 2010, Anna had a chance to play in the back garden, inspect her decking, play area, sandpit and little house (I wrote this part of the post having just checked the YouTube thumbnails, upon closer inspection of the clips, it appears these weren’t yet in place). The chair featured in yesterday’s post also had a twin residing in Chubary.
Initially however, it looks as though Anna fancied a walk around the huge fruit and vegetable patch instead.
The second clip is another of Anna playing with her chair. Having been told again to sit on it properly, she decides it will be more fun to make Irina worry about her carrying it around instead.
The final video for this post is Anna again producing funny sounds, and wondering the source from which they originated. Not entirely sure why she is told not to push the seat around at the end? Perhaps the varnish on the wood hadn’t finished drying out yet?
Another case where a video from the next day matches an existing post, so here is one from the 23rd. Anna seems torn between looking at the flower windmill thing and grabbing the camera from Ira again.
Another similar couple of videos from the 29th of May. It looks as though the play house had arrived by this point, as you can just see it in the background of the second clip.
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