Nov 20 2009

Big Cot, Little Baby

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 1:16 am

March the 5th saw Anna asleep downstairs in her cot. The noises you hear were her little blocked up nose. Saline drops did the trick, but she didn’t really seem to enjoy them. Anyway, as she grew bigger and her nasal tubs expanded, that phase was certainly grown out of. For a little while, it was actually disconcerting to listen to her sleep in a dark room – without the snoring, how could you tell she was breathing? I’ll just turn the light on a minute. Yes, she is fine…. Five minutes later, hmmm, no noises for a while, I hope she is OK, I’ll just check she is OK. Dawn arrives. Parents eventually become a little less neurotic 🙂

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2 Responses to “Big Cot, Little Baby”

  1. Dan D says:

    Bootiful 🙂

  2. ChrisM says:

    Beautiful, but certainly a stubborn little madam sometimes. She was sleepy quite early this evening, so we put her to bed ahead of schedule. This of course meant an hour or two of crying, and standing up in her baby sleeping bag, rocking the cot back and forth, complaining that she shouldn’t be in bed right now. Just got her off to sleep, so fingers crossed we’ll have a little peace for 2.5/3 hours 🙂