Today my UPS finally died completely. It had been on the card for a while, as the last few power cuts saw it keep the PC going for about 5 seconds before the battery died. No problem, we combined a walk with Anna to a local white goods shop, and I carried the new UPS back in a ruck sack. This UPS is the third in three years here in Kazakhstan, unfortunately this one didn’t even last a year – it was dead straight away. Grrrr. Will try and get a refund tomorrow and go to a different shop. Fingers crossed.
Earlier today we moved back to the flat, and decided that we would try getting Anna to sleep in her own room, instead of in with us. As she has spent close to a fortnight at the in-laws, we thought now would be a good time for a change, instead of her getting re-used to her old sleeping position, and then changing things around.
Anyway, I’m writing this post on Ira’s laptop, so I’ll keep it short.
Oct 05 2009
UPSs, Anna And Posting
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