So, this is it, catching up with Anna’s photos has officially begun. This photo was shot on the 24th of April 2010, meaning I’m a full twelve days away from being a year late in publishing them! Looking at this picture really has bought into focus just how much Anna has changed in a year, something which others have commented on. However, when you live with a person everyday, I guess it is harder to notice the gradual changes in your little baby/big girl’s appearance. Just as it is right now, the weather must have been pretty good for Ira’s Dad to not be concerned that she only had a short sleeved shirt on whilst outdoors!
April 13th, 2011 1:41 am
I have an idea for posting the catch up pictures. Insead of just posting all the old ones, one after the other you could alternate between one old, one current. Then it would a) give readers a good look at how she has grown in the last year (for those of us that don’t see her very often), b) help you to not fall too far behind again and c) keep content current. I can’t be the only one that has been missing the updates on your personal lives 🙂
April 13th, 2011 12:18 pm
If I fail to complete the catch up in a timely manner, your idea sounds good. I’ve written five (and post dated them so one per day appears), and then I’ll try and get two a day done (I’m trying to keep 7 days of posts on the front page, as some people don’t visit often, and when they do, don’t go to page 2).
April 19th, 2011 3:46 pm
I like Alex’s idea and think you should do that.
April 19th, 2011 4:41 pm
Luckily Alex can take exactly that sort of approach over at, and the very moment you want your own site, I’ll register it and get a basic system in place, then you too can create your preferred policies 😉
As said, if I don’t catch up soon, I may resort to this approach, but I’m not doing too badly, I’ve caught up with a busy fortnight’s worth of pictures and videos in a real time week, and looking at the pictures waiting to be uploaded from the hard drive, the catching up rate should increase very soon!
April 20th, 2011 5:15 am
Ooooooooooooh !:-)!