Having been at the in-laws for around a fortnight, we should be moving all our stuff over Monday morning, with the idea of actually moving in the same day. Whilst it has been great to see and live with Ira’s parents again, it will be nice to be moving back into our own space, even if our daily routine doesn’t actually change that much (babies are a universal modifier of regular activities I guess 🙂 ). I’ll try and grab a photo of all the boxes, suitcases and bags that are being carted over, as quite how we’ve managed to accumulate so much stuff is a mystery.
Oh, one final thing before I head to bed… Any biology geeks out there, could you double check my calculations for me? We have just started using tonight a mosquito killer liquid. You can see it second from the bottom here – http://www.komarov.net/nezh.html . I looked up the World Health Organization’s report on the active ingredient here – http://www.who.int/whopes/quality/en/Esbiothrin_spec_eval_Oct_2004.pdf . If I read it correctly, a baby weighing around 6-7 kilos should have absolutely no problem with the substance, given that the bottle lasts approx. 45 days (not sure whether thats on a 24/12/8 hour usage cycle in any one day), contains 30ml, of which the chemical makes up approx 1.7% .
Anyway, enough of the maths/chemistry/biology for now, I need some sleep as Ira’s Dad’s workers are coming around 10am to give us a hand shifting this lot.
June 1st, 2009 3:34 pm
Wow Anna Christina becoming round 🙂 okruglilas’
and she is more look like Chris now
before we argued with Assen
he said she took after Ira and I said after Chris
tonight i will show him foto and we continue our discussion 🙂
June 2nd, 2009 1:27 am
Not true, she may possibly have my eyes (for now, possibly the colour will change), but I believe her beauty to be from Irina 🙂
Good to hear from you again, and hopefully once we’re settled in here properly, we’ll be able to spend more time on Skype with you 🙂
June 2nd, 2009 4:37 am
Welcome home Chris, Irina and Anna 🙂
On the subject of mosquito repellant I thought to myself that there must be an effective herbal treatment out there somewhere so did a little googling. I found this very interesting website strongly recommending the use of lemon grass. I have recently been reading up on common garden herbs and their medicinal uses and think I may give this a go when mossie season comes around again.
June 2nd, 2009 8:41 am
Thanks. Read through some of the page, will have to find out if lemongrass grows natively here.
June 3rd, 2009 2:45 am
Mosquito repellent – a shotgun seems worth considering?
June 3rd, 2009 10:10 pm
I can hit glass bottles with a shotgun from a fair distance, but I’m not so sure about mosquitoes. Plus I’m not sure Ira would allow them inside the house – new wallpaper + shotgun pellets don’t mix very well 🙂