OK, I think I’ll skip my normal routine of providing the date that photos and videos were taken of Anna. The next few Anna’s Photos and Anna’s Videos posts are all based around her birthday, which is the 21st of February. If you’re reading this over on her blog, please assume the same date for future posts with Birthday in them 🙂
One of Anna’s presents was a bubble blowing machine. As she hadn’t seen proper bubbles before (ignoring bubble baths), we wanted to buy something that would produce a lot of them, with less mess than the normal setup would involve. Going outside, with Anna suitably covered from the cold (should any Kazakhs be reading this, the weather was a LOT warmer over in Britain than in Astana), we turned the machine on, and waited to see if it would catch Anna’s attention or not…
Apr 27 2010
Anna’s Birthday Bubbles
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Apr 27 2010
Anna’s First MP3 Player!
This video was shot after the presents were opened, and the bubble machine tested out side. Although we had to wait for the box it was transported to Kazakhstan in to pass Kazakh Customs, it is definitely one of Anna’s favourite toys, especially since we took the audio from her favourite DVD of children’s songs and put it on the player’s memory card. The controls are simple and large, the player lights up during use, and Anna has figured out what most buttons do already…
OK, just got to the end of Anna’s Birthday videos that I had already uploaded to the YouTube account, and realised that the last (in terms of the time it was recorded) is better suited to this post. Anna and her MP3 player in the evening, with us realising you needed to set it to play one song, three songs or thirty minutes worth. (Or something like that).
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Apr 26 2010
Anna’s Birthday Presents
I won’t be posting any photos today, as the hard drive is back at home, and we’re still with Irina’s parents. Both Anna and Irina has picked up some sort of lurgy, and so rather than transport Anna home whilst not 100% (and risk up chuck on the car seats), we are staying a little while longer than usual. So if you have sent me a skype message/left a voicemail on the landline, either call me on the mobile if it is urgent, or wait until we get back home.
Anyway, back to this post… The videos were shot on the 21st of February, meaning we’re still on Anna’s first birthday. This set of videos were shot when Anna was opening her presents. This was her first time ripping the paper herself, and it took a while to get through them all. There are a lot more videos of that morning, but I’ve just tried to pick the ones that stood out for one reason or another…
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Apr 23 2010
Anna’s Birthday!
OK, so the next few posts will be of photos (and once YouTube behaves, videos) taken on the 21st February 2010, which was Anna’s 1st birthday. Unless you count the day she was born on. Which would be her birth day.
Anyway, As there are a lot of photos, and I wanted to publish them all, they have been split across posts.
That is it for now, as we have guests arriving soon.
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Apr 17 2010
These Boots Are(n’t) Made For Eating
Alternative title might be “The introduction of Zimmer Framer to the Russian language”…
This clip was shot on the 18th of February 2010, when we had just got back to Britain. Anna was (and to a point, still is) at the stage where most items of interest need to be tasted at least once. When they are new food items, this isn’t a problem. When they are Anna’s own shoes, this can cause a little concern. Anyway check the video to see Anna tottering around in the kitchen, and the soon to be classic phrase (in Russian) of “Anna, where is your zimmer frame?”.
Just to explain quickly, although Anna quickly found herself happily walking and running around Mum and John’s house, she would sometimes find a large (just about) movable object to push or drag around with her on her travels. In this case, it was a stool that she liked to direct around the kitchen when she was walking. The noise wasn’t exactly the most pleasant to encounter, but the look of joy on her face when she found she could reorder the places of furniture was certainly something to behold…
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Apr 17 2010
Gwen Plays Ball With Anna
The 17th of February saw Anna completely at ease with Gwen running around the house, and just as importantly, Gwen feeling brave enough to actually play in the same area as Anna. Having heard of the sort of situation Gwen has found herself in when John’s granddaughter had a birthday party with a few friends in the house, I’m amazed Gwen didn’t hide herself away when Anna turned up on the doorstep!
To anyone concerned with small children/unattended dogs in the house, you can literally take the food out of Gwen’s mouth whilst she is eating, without a whine of protest.
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Apr 16 2010
Hey Mr Cowbell Man, Play A Song For Me?
As promised around ten days ago, here we have the video of Anna listening to John’s instructions on how to play some percussion, and then proceeding to have a go herself (as well as having a quick taste of the drumstick itself. It would seem that this sliver of wood is not in any way related to the similarly labelled chicken drumsticks!). I’m still not entirely sure whether the photos and this video were shot on the 15th or 16th of February this year, but to be honest, I can’t see this lack of accuracy ever causing problems for anyone… So if you want to check out John and Anna playing with a drum, cowbell-like sound implement, or a tambourine, do please click the play button just below this text.
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Apr 06 2010
Carpet Crawling Cameraman
In case you wanted to see a short clip of Anna taken on the same day (15th of February) as the ROTFTD post, or wondered how John achieved the angles he did, I have good news…
If you do not feel a need to watch such a clip, can I recommend you don’t click the play button above?
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Apr 03 2010
Valentine’s Day
As you may have guessed from the title, these clips were shot on the 14th February. We decided to get a bit of fresh air whilst the weather was warm, and so took a stroll around the back garden (back in Clydach, Wales still) path with Anna. She was a little unsteady on the stony path, but decided she was going to conquer it, and only occasionally needed picking up. The only other thing that seemed to annoy her was the bright sun. We did buy her some sunglasses, however the concept seemed silly to her, and they haven’t yet lasted more than five seconds before she rips them off and throws them down.
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Mar 25 2010
Photos And Didgeridoos
OK, so whilst in Britain this blog, and Anna’s pictures specifically have become somewhat neglected. I’m hoping the occasional photo-laden tweet (and recent addition to the publishing schemes used here – Qik, for records of live streams broadcast) has been enough to keep you going, but judging from the Alexa rank, I’ve lost a few people…
So, back to where we left off – 6th February 2010 (for any new readers stumbling across this post, Anna’s website automatically imports Anna-related posts from this blog, and I wanted to be able to easily tell when the photos were taken, should we be browsing her site in the future.
The first clip is of Anna checking out some photos on Babushka’s camera, followed by a little Didgeridoo basic skills practice.
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