Apr 06 2010

Funny Man Isn’t

Category: KazakhstanChrisM @ 3:14 am

Dom Joly recently wrote an article on eating horse meat in Kazakhstan. My thanks to Irina for sending me the link. All of the comments there (I see KZBlog got there first!) seem to be defending horse meat dishes, though I feel that spirited1away has slightly overstated his(?) case when claiming that Britain has no dishes to be proud of.
It is true that Dom seems to have slipped into lazy journalism, OR really didn’t have much luck with the choice of restaurant his host selected. I just hope the poor guy doesn’t read the complaints online – it does sound pretty ungrateful, as I imagine Dom would have expressed an interest in finding out what unique experiences Kazakhstan had to offer. Yes, the man is (at least in Britain) known as a comedian, and most people would expect his articles to offer a humorous short story, but as one commenter stated, this just seems like lazy journalism.

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Mar 21 2010

Apologies to regular blog read…

Category: TweetsChrisM @ 1:38 am

Apologies to regular blog readers, normal posting will resume in a fortnight.Sorting things in UK taking a lot of time.Best of luck2Nick&Roz

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Mar 15 2010

Antique Owning Hoodie Wearers!

Category: Friends,PersonalChrisM @ 7:21 pm

Whilst waiting for Anna to wake from her lunch time nap, Irina, Dad and I were all watching an episode of Antiques Roadshow on the Yesterday channel. It seems to have moved on a little since I remember it (Sunday evenings when I was a child, with crumpets or savoury muffins for tea!).
Gone were the experts with bow ties on, and in are… well the same experts, but the antique owners seem to be from a wider background now, with hoodie wearing young adults bringing in RAF memorobilia from their Grandad, to a builder who scans the car boot sales at weekends.
The builder did quite well bringing in a hold-all containing lots of things he had bought for less than a fiver – some were worth close to a thousand pounds! Anyway, Anna woke up, so attention switched to feeding her. I’m also arranging meeting up with friends in Cheltenham tonight; it will be great to see them as some I’ve not crossed paths with them in a couple of years…

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Feb 19 2010

Chomp, Gulp & Brrrrm!

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 5:17 am

As the time drew closer and closer for our trip to Britain, my mind automatically started fixating on those things I missed from home. So what have I crossed off the list already, since returning to Britain?
A nice Chinese takeaway – I’ve slowly discovered that there are normally a few dishes I can enjoy, and Irina loves them.
Shreddies and Weetabix (not simultaneously) with milk that tastes like it is supposed to 🙂
Coke Zero (I love Coke, but want to have some teeth left – Coke Zero isn’t yet sold in Kazakhstan). I still try to be sensible, but knowing that I’m not destroying my teeth quite so quickly is a relief 🙂
Tinned steamed chocolate pudding (the two minutes and you’re done type – apparently not yet a recognised treatment for depression, I suppose not enough peer reviewed research papers have been written???)
Marmite on toasted tiger bread (white bread with some sort of coating on top, no felines harmed, I promise).
Orange squash (for non-UK readers, this is a concentrated fruit based drink that you dilute to taste)
and, of course, driving our car again.
We still need to see Dad, visit friends in Cheltenham, have proper fish’n’chip shop chips and a battered burger, a bacon double cheese burger from Burger King and buy a few things for Anna, but given that we’ve been here less than a week, I think the amount of ticks in the To Do list is more than satisfactory 🙂

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Feb 17 2010

Quiet Arrivals

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 8:52 pm

Almost a week with no posts! As you may have guessed, I, Irina and Anna all arrived in Britain safely last Friday. Our car is back on the road, various gadgets have been fixed/sorted at Mum’s, and we are starting to arrange seeing people across the country. It is Anna’s first birthday this Sunday, so we also need to sort a card and some presents. Speaking of presents, I’m looking at getting a Seagate 500gb Portable Hard Drive, to transport back data to Kazakhstan in five weeks time. Anyone have experience with that model?

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Feb 03 2010

Cold, Mild And Unknown

Category: WeatherChrisM @ 6:33 pm

In just over a week we will all be heading back to Britain, to visit friends and family that haven’t seen Anna in almost nine months! We are breaking our journey to the UK by staying overnight in Istanbul, in the hope that this will allow Anna to get some proper rest and fingers crossed she will feel less grumpy on the last leg of the flight.
We still need to do all the obvious things like packing, sorting out things for the kind friend who is flat and cat sitting for us, but also things like checking the average temperatures in Istanbul for this time of year. Leaving Kazakhstan is easy – thick fur winter coat, hat, scarf, gloves and winter boots. Britain is normally relatively easy to pack for – t-shirts backed up with jumpers or shirts. However we don’t yet know what to expect in Turkey. I’ll be looking forward to wearing my comfy old trainers that are actually as wide as my feet. The winter boots were the best fit we could find over here, and stability on ice trumps slight discomfort from squashed feet! Anyway, I’m off to check a few sources for those temperatures, and check what clothing we need to set aside for the day and night in Turkey.

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Feb 03 2010

PS3 Hacked

Category: In The MediaChrisM @ 6:10 pm

Finally someone has hacked the PlayStation 3, though I’m not certain whether it is the original model, or one of the newer, redesigned versions that George Hotz had his success with. The newer (slimmer) versions have some of the hardware missing I believe, that stops Linux being installed (useful for people looking at obtaining cheap parallel processing units) or it could be the firmware has modifications. Anyway, with the hack in place, home brewed software (and of course backed up/pirated games) can be run. Whether the hack will need to be modified the next time Sony pushes out updates remains to be seen, but as this is a Xbox household, I’ll not be losing any sleep over it.

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Jan 29 2010

Ivory – Take Action Now | IFAW…

Category: TweetsChrisM @ 7:30 pm

Ivory – Take Action Now | IFAW UK http://bit.ly/684jdM – Thanks to my brother Nick for the heads up. Takes 20 seconds to sign the petition.

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Jan 20 2010

Color Helps Mistakes With Colour Spelling Obvious

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 1:11 am

I have only just noticed that since installing Windows 7, and therefore a fresh install of Firefox, I have have inadvertently been using the English (US) dictionary, rather than the UK one. For any posts missing a U from neighbour, an S or a Z from theorize/theorise (OK, I admit I still never remember whether S or Z is more prevalent on which side of the Atlantic in certain words), please accept my belated apologies.

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Jan 12 2010

Davay Davay Baris!

Category: Pictures,Sport,VideosChrisM @ 1:28 am

It was around two years ago that I went to my first ice hockey game, and just before Christmas (Xmas Eve’s Eve I think) I went with DanD and JohnA to go and see Baris (Astana’s team) play a Russian side. Having now been to two matches, I almost feel confident enough to guess what the hell is going on. Sometimes. DanD found the following website, that does a pretty good job of explaining what is going on, in simple terms. Just wish he’d found it before hand 🙂


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