Oct 30 2007

Oleg’s Site Is Now Public…

Category: Friends,Personal,PicturesChrisM @ 8:09 pm

NOTE TO ANY PayPerPost REVIEWERS… This post is NOT sponsored. You can tell by the way the hyperlinked word is not at all optimized for any sort of search, and the fact that this post is within the Personal category, and not ‘Interesting’…

Oleg, a friend of ours who has been mentioned here a few times before, recently told me that his site, which had been strictly confined to his intranet previously, is now public facing, and has a proper domain name. Now if you don’t speak Russian, you may not spend very long there, but take a moment, check it out, you can find it at warmland.ru

PS Any googlebots crawling this way, head on over there and index his site. Please?

PPS I was re-checking his site, and found a link to another site (xkcd)
Here are a couple that caught my attention
Compiling Excuses
Drunk Programming
Make the world weirder

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Oct 30 2007

3rd Day Of Work

Category: Kazakhstan,PersonalChrisM @ 4:17 pm

As I previously mentioned, I now have a second job helping Kazakhs and Russians that want to improve their English through conversation with a bona fide UK citizen 🙂
I will try and keep the details anonymous, as I’m not sure that the people would want their names etc. publicly posted. Today was the first time I met my school girl pupil. And before anyone cracks any bad jokes, she is just 13, so nothing dodgy please… She is not as confident in speaking, and appears to have a smaller vocabulary than the other person, but she at least wants to learn. The man is a little more forthcoming when it comes to conversations, but as long as I have a structure in place for her lessons, I think it will go OK. If things progress well, I may have some more clients lined up, as their is a company close by that may want me to help their staff as well.
The time away from the flat has both its advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, getting into the fresh air, and a brisk 40 minute walk each day is bound to be good for me, but I earn less there than I could at home writing commercial posts. Also, I am not really looking forward to the steps up to the building when the ice and snow kicks in – they are already quite slippery if it has rained, so I will need to remember to keep awake. Speaking of which, Mondays, Tuesday and Thursdays I will need to be at the office by 11.15am, and Tuesdays an hour earlier, which means I have to go to bed a lot earlier. In isolation, this is obviously not a problem, but to get the best paying opportunities for this blog, I need to keep the same hours as Americans, which previously meant not heading to bed until 4 or 5am. Obviously staying up this late and then trying to get to the office would result in a zombie like Chris turning up, which would not look too good, nor really give my students a fair deal. We will have to see how it goes, however today I found out that rather than an 8.45am start, I can leave an hour later, as the girl was expecting a 10am start, not 9am as I was informed.

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Oct 26 2007

Started A New Job This Week…

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 3:57 pm

Thanks to our friend Walton, I started a new job this week, teaching English to Russians and Kazakhs that want to improve their language skills.
Before people start spitting coke/tea/coffee all over their monitors, I should point out that I am really just there to provide conversational practice, rather than drill the intricacies of grammar rules into the victims pupils. So far I have one student four times a week, and another just once. As they don’t know this blog exists I am obviously not about to post their names, but the first is a retired man who used to work in the airline industry, and wants to improve his English for speaking to foreigners when he travels, and the other is still at school. The first person will have their lessons at 11.30am, which is good for me, as I don’t need to worry about getting to bed before 3am the preceding night, however as the 2nd pupil is still at school, I will need to be at the office by 9am once a week! Don’t go expecting too many blog posts on a Monday night for a while 🙂
Although this blog earns me more money per hour of work than this ‘real’ job, any extra certainly helps, as Ira and I will be travelling to Britain this Christmas for Mum & John’s wedding. Hopefully either Ira’s Mum or both parents will be coming as well, with Balzhan and Ildar another possibility. Anyway, I hope to make a proper post on the planned happy events this Yule tide a little later.

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Oct 26 2007

Lovely Screen, Shame About The Contents

Category: Amsterdam,PersonalChrisM @ 3:49 am

This is the second and last post regarding my journey through Kaliningrad ‘International’ Airport. I made notes up until this point during the holiday, for some reason things get a little hazy during my time in Amsterdam….

The big screen I mentioned in a previous post was now visible to us. Wow, it was high quality, had flight numbers, destinations, and even the weather at each destination! Unfortunately it lacked any sort of column for flight times or estimates of delays involved. (Can you tell where this story is heading yet, dear reader?). I was not too worried, as there were only six or seven departure exits from the area, and you could even find a seat in the smoking section that gave a view of all but one of these 🙂 When it got to 10 minutes past the approximate boarding time for my next flight, I was a little concerned, but had seen no one leave for any flights at all. There were a few announcements, in Russian, but these seemed to be more procedural statements (don’t leave luggage unattended etc.) than flight info, so I asked the Germans if they had flown through here before (only to discover two spoke English), and if so did they know what happened when flights were delayed? A friendly shrug informed me they were currently as clueless as me.
I then decided to tour the perimeter of the area, determined to find someone who spoke English, or at least would be prepared to listen to my attempts at enquiries in Russian. (Don’t laugh too hard, several times officials (not just in Kaliningrad) who realised my Russian skills were not sufficient to conclude any conversation quickly had walked off, with no clue as to my next suitable avenue of enquiry.) I quickly found a friendly lady who pointed me in the direction of a young girl who worked there and spoke better English than my Russian. I was informed that there was nothing to worry about, that a flight from Moscow had been delayed by two hours, and that three passengers hoping to get to Amsterdam were on that same flight. And no, neither announcements nor TV screens had yet revealed this info. (Again, I mainly wanted to know so that my next time in the airport would not involve so much mystery). There were a couple of things I had not fully understood, and when Ira called me up, to check I was about to get on the plane, and hadn’t fallen asleep somewhere silly, I was about to ask her to double check them with someone at the airport, if I handed my mobile over. However, Irina had been told by the airport a few moments earlier that my flight to Amsterdam WAS on time, and that all passengers were boarding this very second. Obviously this left Irina concerned that I had mightily goofed, and was about to miss a flight involving the Netherlands once again. Eventually the lady who I had previously spoken to proved to be correct, and the person who had spoken to Ira was full of crap. I had already called Alex and Chris, to confirm that they had left Cheltenham and were on their way to Birmingham airport (more on that later). Unfortunately I found I was not able to make calls to Kazakhstan at all, though calls to Britain had obviously worked. Two hours after our planned departure, our plane left Kaliningrad, and I was most glad of the 1.5 hours of sleep I grabbed on the flight.
Schiphol, Amsterdam itself and UK trip info to follow in other posts soon.

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Oct 26 2007

Alcoholic Cleaners or Over Zealous Security?

Category: Amsterdam,PersonalChrisM @ 3:09 am

So, following on from the previous Amsterdam post, onto the trip itself…
I left for Astana airport around 6am on the 21st September, feeling happy that I would be meeting up with two friends very soon, going back to a city I enjoy for many reasons, but also sad as I would be apart from Irina for the longest amount of time since we first met! The first section of the journey went well, with no problems from Kazakhstan’s sometimes over-eager airport officials. One small hitch was my inability to make outgoing voice calls once I had got to the departure gate – this had happened before though, so I didn’t worry too much, and just texted Ira asking her to call me, so I could confirm all was OK thus far. Having only had 2.5 hours sleep, I was a little tired, but there was no chance I would drop off before I got on the plane.
Once I arrived in Kaliningrad, (where Alex flew through on her recent trip to see us), the whole plane had to go in reverse through the normal procedures for leaving the airport. We left the plane and entered the terminal through a departure exit. There appeared to be three cleaners operating an x-ray machine, which looked a little odd, and some of the people in the queue ahead of me were already loudly grumbling (in Russian and Kazakh) about something or other. It turns out the cleaners security staff were not allowing any bottles of liquid larger than 100ml INTO the building. Had this been on the way out, with us ALL heading to a European country, I could understand the confiscation of large bottles of liquids. However, this was to get into the building, and the staff appeared to be concentrating on alcohol, much of which had been purchased by my fellow passengers in Astana’s duty free shop. Suffice to say separating a Russian or Kazakh from their spirits is never the easiest of tasks, however the x-rayers ploughed on, dumping all the bottles into a washing up bowl or three on the floor.
When it came to my turn, a stout lady loudly informed me there were several problems with my hand luggage, at least their x-ray machine told them. I decided to play it even dumber than in reality, and pronounced very slowly (& even more incorrectly than normal), that I could not speak Russian. She attempted to say the same thing again louder, to which I smiled, and started pulling random things from my bag. She gave up and put the bag through the x-ray machine again, and started squawking about a problem again. I decided that as I had no liquids in there, other than a nearly empty spray deodorant that I did not pose too great a security risk. After several more ‘helpful’ suggestions from myself (pulling out my books one by one, followed by the spare set of clothing, each time offering them to her), she eyed the queue behind me, and pointed me away from the security station. I gladly obliged, and took the opportunity to grab a cigarette by a bin that several other people had congregated around. There was a no smoking sign, but as everyone else was taking the opportunity for a nicotine fix where there were no cameras, and the staff were too busy to give a damn, I joined in. During the course of what I thought might be my last cigarette until I had cleared passport control in Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport, I observed the passengers who had had their booze nicked (various conspiracy rumours had already been started, mainly revolving around the possibility that the cleaners/security staff were having a party that evening and wanted to save their budget for other items) wait until the staff were busy arguing with the next incensed passenger, and then calmly walk up to the confiscated goods, and retrieve their own bottles. Most managed to get away in time, a few were stopped, shouted at, and a few just stood and argued until the staff gave up.
Anyway we proceeded up the stairs, into a departure lounge where we showed our tickets (for the flight we had just been on!) and passports, and waited for the plane full of passengers (minus those who actually finished their journey in Kaliningrad and so left the airport immediately) to get past the initial security checks downstairs. At this point we could see the main airport area, with its large screen with flight info on, a smoking area (ooops, I now know for the future), and a few shops. Those who wanted to buy a coffee (or even a duty free bottle of alcohol!) were allowed out of the departure (masquerading as an arrival) lounge, as long as they left their passport with the security staff present in this room. Around 30 minutes later we were all together again, and I had noted a few foreigners speaking German (it is good to know who to turn to if you really need some assistance with officials whose language you are not completely au fait with). We then presented tickets for our next flights to someone sat at a computer terminal. As this was a departure lounge, and we were arriving, the room layout meant we all had to file past her whilst looking at the screen ourselves, with the lady needing to swivel round her chair away from her computer to face us each time she needed some info. Having got past this stage, there was a three person posse waiting at the exit/entrance to the departure terminal (we were almost at the point of syncing our direction with the rest of the inhabitants of this airport by this point.) These new people each took a turn to check each person’s passports, old and new plane tickets and then allowed us in….
More to follow soon 🙂

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Sep 20 2007

Spring Clean Of Bookmarks…

OK, this is one of the last posts I will make whilst in Kazakhstan, so I intend to use it to catch up with a few articles, videos and sites I have been meaning to post about in the last few weeks. Otherwise I will return in a little under a month, and forget all about them probably…

BBC article on the growth in high tech online crime.
Article on 50 Cent’s promise to quit, which he gave prior to his album being beaten to the UK#1 spot.
Related article on fiddy postponing his European tour.
Cool article on speech to sign language translation software. Most impressive.
Another article, this time on how DNA data could be at risk if funding organizations succeed in twisting researchers’ arms.
Article on how Chernobyl is to receive a new steel cover.
Were they pushed, did they jump, or were they stage managed dives? Check out a little background info here on the continuing political family soap opera that is Kazakhstan…
Article on beloved uncle Pres Nazarbayev not being nominated for the Nobel prize. Never mind, he got a consolation prize.
From 3 weeks ago, an article on arrest warrants being issued over the Aliyev case.
Piece on two bodyguard’s return to Kazakhstan and their confession live to the media. (Related to Aliyev’s alleged criminal activities).
VOA (Voice of America?) summary of the recent elections held in this country.
Is Kazakhstan to follow Russia’s example by moving in on, or at least re-negotiating contracts with, Western oil and gas companies? The International Herald Tribune’s website has a report on the goings on.

Reports from foreign diplomats/govt workers on Astana and Almaty. I had especially wanted to give these two pages their own post. Some of the information is incorrect, some is simply out of date, though there are some gems in there for those considering moving to this country. I may remember to make a more detailed post when I get back half way through October.

Finally a couple of YouTube vids that caught my attention, both from members over at the channels.nl forum I believe. The first is on a man with a lot of vision, and quite a variant on the static art you’ll see in most galleries…

Secondly, we have a video that will have little cultural reference if you are not in the right age band, but is about who would win if all the super heros and villans had a big scrap. Hmm, not sold that too well, sorry. Unless you have tight bandwidth restrictions per month, trust me, it is worth listening to 🙂

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Sep 19 2007

BG Energy Challenge 2007 (Kazakhstan)

Category: Friends,In The Media,Kazakhstan,VideosChrisM @ 2:21 pm

I’ll not post her name until I know whether she minds, but one of Irina’s friends at work recently took part in the BG (the newer name of British Gas) Energy Challenge 2007, here in Kazakhstan. Last night Khabar had a short piece on the event in their news bulletin, so I have uploaded it to YouTube, and embedded it here. The audio is in Russian, though the video is mostly self explanatory. There are rumours that some participants took this very seriously, and tried to ensure only seriously sporty types joined the teams. Others appeared to have taken a slightly more laid back approach 😉 I have also burnt the movie to a miniDVD, as well as the original raw footage to a separate disc for her. Just in case her work PC can not handle it, I decided to embed it in this post as well. My congratulations to all who took part this year.

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Sep 15 2007

What If…

Category: Books,Kazakhstan,PersonalChrisM @ 9:23 am

Things had happened a little differently in Russia, around 1917? Many historians have debated as to the exact order of events around the time of the revolution, and for a long time some people claimed they were the sole survivors of the Tsar’s family.
We now know that no one survived the assassinations, however when I came across a fellow blogger who was writing short stories, I suggested alternative history as a genre, and that the main character be called Ekzhol. I have no idea if that name is viable, or even if it could mean something rude, so my apologies to anyone who either giggles or seems embarrassed by it.
Anyway, Jenn Scott has now finished the story and published it on her Before I Am Famous blog. Do check out her writings, and in case you come across this post after her story has slipped from the front page, you can access the post directly here – Preservation.
My thanks to her for taking the time to do the research and write the story, I hope my readers will consider adding her blog to their list of sites they regularly check 🙂

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Sep 13 2007

More Russian News…

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 6:43 am

Of a slightly happier variety this time though 🙂

Yesterday was officially Family Contact Day in the Ulyanovsk oblast in Russia. The reason workers were encouraged to take the day off? Russia’s population is still declining, and so officials are hoping that the offer of prizes for mothers that give birth on 12 June next year will be enough incentive for husbands and wives to remedy the declining population situation in a private way. (Hopefully with their own wife or husband, not anyone elses…)
Although there is already a scheme put in place nationally by Putin to give mothers who give birth to a second or third baby $9,000 towards education or housing costs, Ulyanovsk’s governor has decided to offer a little more, with this year main prize being an SUV! Within this specific area, the birth rate has bucked the national trend and risen over 4%. Combine the prizes with the standard family pressure to provide grandchildren/nieces and nephews to family members, and you can see why the population size may well recover eventually.

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Sep 13 2007

Russian Vacuum News

Category: In The Media,VideosChrisM @ 4:48 am

Not connected with hoovering your house at all. Instead, news reports (Reuters article here, my thanks to Birdman over at the Channels.nl forum for bringing it to my attention) are detailing a new, non-nuclear, bomb that is hoped to increase respect for Russia’s military might.

What it basically comes down to, IMHO, is whether this display is for external (as in the rest of the world’s governments) viewing and policy effecting, or whether Putin intends this to be mainly for internal (civilian) propaganda, what with the elections now less than 1/2 a year away?

If new bombs must be built, at least this one (if official reports are to be trusted) does not contaminate the area, making a marked change from the way nuclear weapons can prevent re-settling of a civilian population into the devastated area.

Assuming I have managed to modify the code Reuters used, you should see a short news report video below with a few more details and a shot of the test explosion.

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