May 12 2007

Howl’s Moving Castle

Category: BooksChrisM @ 7:14 pm

Howl’s Moving Castle – Diana Wynne Jones

Since researching the book for this review, I’ve discovered it has been made into a film (anime-style animation), so would someone please remind to search it out next time I’m back in the UK? Thanks 🙂
Anyway, although classified as a fairy tale suitable for children, don’t be at all put off; this book held my attention throughout, as Irina will attest. The plot revolves around the eldest daughter in a family, and her aspirations for more exciting things. Unfortunately she gets what she wishes for, when she, in an uncharacteristic moment, she insults the local witch. The Witch of the Waste in fact (still trying to figure out if this is a Wizard Of Oz reference or not). The daughter finds herself cursed, and takes on the appearance of an old crone. Rather than moaning (too much) she takes this as a spur to experience some more of life, and sets off on an adventure.
It is difficult to say much more without revealing plot lines, but there is a Wizard, an assistant, a fire demon and many other fantastical elements involved.

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May 10 2007

2010: Odyssey Two

Category: BooksChrisM @ 12:31 am

2010: Odyssey Two – Arthur C. Clarke

Somewhat obviously carrying on from 2001: A Space Odyssey, this book was written almost 15 years after the original, which had seen a lot of Clarke’s visions of space travel and computing come true already. This time around, the book came first, then the film, though in the edition I read, Arthur does refer to the fact that where the book and film of 2001 split ways in terms of events and facts, 2010 was written more closely as a sequel to the film of 2001, rather than the book.
This book sees the American (especially Heywood Floyd) and Soviet forces join together, in an effort to discover just what went wrong with their previous mission, and although there are a few cultural differences, for the most part, they manage to work together, without too much suspicion on the parts of the astronauts, if not their respective governments. A 3rd party has secretly joined the melee however, and they arrive at the planet first. There appears to be some sort of tragic accident/attack with none of the crew members surviving, which only acts to spur on the USA/USSR teams to discover just what has, and maybe still is, going on.
David Bowman, a major character from the last book, returns in a less than physical sense, and as he now works for/with the alien life forces who originally planted the slabs on the moon and planet earth. He discovers basic life forms, with some hope of evolution, both below the ice of Europa, and also in the atmosphere. This isn’t covered by the film, if I remember correctly, and I was also slightly disappointed with the film’s treatment of the scene where Bowman attempts to make contact with Floyd in a more physical sense, using dust particles to conjure up a mirage like representation of the astronaut’s face.
The book goes on to describe the transformation of the planet Jupiter into a star, via the slabs exponential replication, and how the Moon Europa is allowed to survive, meaning the basic life forms under the ice have the opportunity to progress.
If you read 2001 and weren’t overly impressed, feel free to skip this book, otherwise, if you’re able to skip over little inconsistencies with the previous book, I’d read it for sure.

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May 09 2007

At The In-Laws…

Category: Kazakhstan,PersonalChrisM @ 3:46 pm

today, so apologies if I miss anyone online.

It is Victory day today, so we have Babushka with us as well. Ira and I popped to a shop to grab some food & drink for this afternoon, and we are hoping Dr. Natalya & Balzhan (and of course their respective families) will be coming over in a little over an hour.

Spraznekum to any veterans out there reading this 🙂

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May 06 2007

Potato Planting & PC Predicaments

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 8:27 pm

Today we popped over to the in laws, and had a nice meal. I had burgers for the second day in a row, so I’m happy. Although I had to return home a little earlier than usual, more details in a sec, we managed to fit in a little planting of potatoes in the back garden, which went surprisingly well. It now appears my major weakness, in horticultural terms, is just turning the soil over, prior to the planting phase.
Anyway, we’re now back at home, and I’m communicating with ChrisD who is (aside from a lazy git for still not writing a short entry on his visit to Kazakhstan last year & hopefully coming later this year) at Mum & Johns, trying to sort their two PCs. John and I have managed to sort a small amount of issues over Messenger, but some things require a little familiarity with PCs, and I can work wonders remotely, but not miracles :-P. I’m sure John will forgive me when he reads this.

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May 06 2007

Chelsea Hosts Another Meeting

Category: Eating Out,Friends,Kazakhstan,PersonalChrisM @ 7:57 pm

of English language bloggers and their partners…

Ira, myself, Walton and Assel all went to the Chelsea ‘English Pub’ (well they have a few UK football club shirts on the wall, and it is closer to a pub than a bar…) again on Saturday evening. Had a nice time, and the two men decided to limit themselves to sharing a 500ml bottle of vodka, with absolutely no ‘assistance’ from their wiser&better halves Spitting Out Drink 2.
We had quite good food there; the Chelsea has normally had good food, but the potato skins were bigger, and the burger tasted of meat more last night. The apple pie and ice cream has even now replaced the chocolate dessert as my favourite at that place.
Having said all that, the prices appeared to have increased, so it is probably a good thing we don’t go there too often.
Anyway, a summary of the evening, I hope, is that a good time was had by all, so thanks to Ira, Assel and Walton for their company 🙂

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May 05 2007

Satellite TV Has Returned

Category: Kazakhstan,PersonalChrisM @ 12:33 pm

As you might remember, we recently had high winds, which blew our satellite dish on the roof off-target again. Luckily, our satellite guys came round this morning, and pointed it back at the Hotbird sats.
Rubber Smiley
I had previously asked Irina if we could maybe concrete the dish into position, as we’ve had these problems before. I found out this morning why that isn’t necessarily a good solution; the guys had just finished replacing a large dish that had been concreted into position. The reason? The dish had actually broken in the high winds – the stresses and strains placed upon it by the wind had no relief available by simply moving the dish, so the whole structure buckled down. Given the choice between buying a new dish after each heavy wind, and simply waiting for the guys to re-point it, I think we know the best solution.
The guys themselves are very friendly, and didn’t even charge us to sort it all out. One part I’m still confused over is the signal amplifier they connected inline with the co-ax cable. Any sort of electronic amplifier must, by definition, be active, not passive, but there is no PSU for this little adapter. I know you can have 12/13.8V DC on a sat co-ax, provided by the decoder, but I checked the menu settings, and the voltage appears to be off right now – 0 volts!
Whatever the reason for it working, I’m glad, the signal quality stats have improved, and one of the channels that previously wasn’t watchable, even when the dish was pointed correctly, now works 🙂 .

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May 04 2007

Smiling Policeman

Category: Kazakhstan,PersonalChrisM @ 8:08 pm

I’ve just had a friendly, smiling policeman knock on our door. I decided it would be wisest to downplay what little Russian vocab I do possess, and wait until Irina returns home from work to make sure he finds out what he needs to know.

I suspect it is connected to the fact that someone attempted to break into a safe in a block of flats near us. Fortunately, they couldn’t break it open. Unfortunately they decided to take the whole safe back to theirs, and so the apartment owner wasn’t very happy when he got home.
This was a month or so ago now, but they are still investigating the case. They appear to suspect one of the maintenance workers, as they were previously asking leading questions, when Ira was here.
Anyway, I digress, I’m now getting better at not staring at official people’s out-sized caps, or giggling at an inopportune moment.

Kazakh Policeman

Ira is going to be late back from work tonight, so I’m hoping the policeman doesn’t come back in 30 minutes, like I asked him. Or come back tomorrow – Ira is in work again Saturday.

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May 03 2007

Dave Barry’s Bad Habits: A 100% Fact-free Book

Category: BooksChrisM @ 8:51 pm

Dave Barry’s Bad Habits: A 100% Fact-free Book – Dave Barry

This book is Dave’s solution to many problems in your day to day life, all grabbed from some of his earliest newspaper columns. If you’ve gotten this far in my Dave Barry reviews, I’m assuming you like the author? If so, don’t worry, despite this being earlier work, the quality does shine through still. Ira asked me a few times why I was making funny noises while she was sleeping. I explained it was due to the book being funny, and I was trying not to laugh out loud and wake her. I failed. So Dave succeeded I think you could say! Although some would argue that the cultural references now appear dated in some sections, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, unless you don’t want to think about how life was a couple of decades ago?

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May 02 2007

Masha’s Birthday

Category: Books,Friends,Kazakhstan,Personal,PicturesChrisM @ 3:37 pm

On Monday, Ira and I went over to Masha’s flat to celebrate her birthday. We had a nice meal, a couple of drinks, and I got to meet her son for the first time.

Chris Masha Baby

Whilst there, I read my first ever Russian book. So what was it, I hear someone ask?
Perhaps a poem by Aleksandr Pushkin? Perhaps something penned by Leo Tolstoy?
Nope, it was Zimnaya Kolibyelnaya by Irina Gurina

Chris Russian Book

Yep, a nursery school book, I read to Masha’s son.
Well what did you expect? I’m hoping to start my Russian lessons again soon, as my teacher has been away on a training course. Until I’ve progressed a little further, I’m very happy to have got as far as this book 🙂

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Apr 30 2007

Do you use a ladder?

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 11:02 pm

Ira passed a link onto me, with details for the many possibilities concerning how to lace your shoes…

Double Back
Loop Back
Hidden Knot
Riding Bow

All of the images are taken from this page. I’ve directly linked to the pictures themselves, as some people just seem to skip non-English sites, even if the main content is visual not textual.

I did a little more research, there is a fuller list of the laces at another Russian forum – here.

And with less pretty pictures, but in English, and full instructions on how to tie each type, there is this site on shoelaces.

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