Aug 13 2007

Irina Possibly Away Again :(

Category: Dasha&Kittens,PersonalChrisM @ 4:25 am

This week may possibly involve Ira flying out to Moscow once again for work; though, as ever, she does not even know for sure just yet. There is a very important contract that needs to be signed off, and if this means people flying over to Russia to get things done, then that is the way it has to be. If she does go, I’ll miss her, but I have the kittens to look after me ๐Ÿ™‚ and I am pretty sure I remember how to cook for myself ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyway, if she does need to go, I wish her a safe journey, and a productive and successful time in Moscow. If she is allowed to stay here in Kazakhstan, even better.

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Aug 12 2007

Japanese Food In Astana

Category: Eating Out,PersonalChrisM @ 2:19 am

Last night Ira and I went out to celebrate our six year anniversary. There is a Japanese restaurant down by where Irina works, and as Ira loves sushi, we decided to go back there again. She had lots of different rolls of raw fish (yum yum…), and I went for a spaghetti bolognese. The pasta dish was a little different to the norm however, as there was no tomato, nor any sauce. To be honest, this was fine with me as I often find that the tomato can overpower the taste of the meat. To follow, I had profiteroles, which were not available last time we went there. Very tasty, though from the state of my stomach this morning, I think 300ml was about 50-100ml too much vodka ๐Ÿ™‚
Anyway, good company, good food, who could have asked for anything more?

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Aug 11 2007

Happy Birthday Ira’s Mum

Category: Friends,KazakhstanChrisM @ 11:41 pm

Today was, as you may have guessed from this post’s title, Jenya’s (my mother-in-law) birthday. Aunty Sveta and her grand daughter Sasha came last night to celebrate with the family. We spent the morning grabbing cake, flowers and a few other bits and bobs. Then we went home to congratulate Jenya on the happy occasion. We and Ira’s dad got a new mobile phone for her (Nokia N76), which is now mostly working ๐Ÿ™‚ I was not a great deal of help as I have (purposefully) only ever owned one Nokia, many years ago, and so was not too familiar with their approach to the user interface.
We all had a nice couple of meals, with a little to drink, and were also joined by Dr. Natalya, her husband Sasha ยง, daughter, as well as Balzhan and her son Ildar. I built a fire in the living room fireplace, and it did not start the carpet ablaze, so all went well there ๐Ÿ˜‰

ยง – When in doubt over a Russian’s name, Sasha is normally a safe bet ๐Ÿ™‚

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Aug 10 2007

BG Charity Event – Part #4

Category: Eating Out,Friends,Kazakhstan,PersonalChrisM @ 7:36 pm

Right, I think I now have all the text deciphered ๐Ÿ™‚ This is the last of the posts on the charity event organized by BG (British Gas) Kazakhstan to raise funds for the Kazakh Paralympic team and their trip to the Paralympics next year at Beijing, China.
Throughout the evening, there were draws for the raffle, with prizes donated by local businesses. The worst was a 20% discount card from a jeweller. If I ever discover the name of the company that ‘donated’ some guaranteed business for themselves, I will gladly post it here, possibly with the anchor text ‘Tight Fisted Profit Obsessed Dratsab’ ๐Ÿ™ Any way, the rest of the prizes were very good, and from the ones I remembered to tap into my phone as we went along, we have a couple of mobile phones, quite a few massages (I am assuming they were of the reputable variety ๐Ÿ˜‰ ), dance lessons, a couple of weekends at a hotel, a few restaurant cards (pre-paid with about $150 on them I think), body spa vouchers, quite a few pre-paid SIM cards with credit pre-applied to them, some month passes for a local gym, a return ticket to Almaty (for one person). In between the raffle sessions, we had a belly dancer. We did not win anything, but unlike the lottery or fruit machines, it was good to know our cash was going to a very worth cause.
Then came the main event (in terms of fund raising) – the auction. This was basically the realm of either foreigners on foreign wages, or Kazakhs who were lucky enough to have a job that paid Western wages. The bidders were very generous, paying more than the item was worth in each case. There was another weekend stay in a luxury hotel here in Astana, and also another return flight to Almaty. The hotel stay was won for 75,000 Tenge (around $575), and then immediately returned to be bid on again (basically a large charitable donation from the first winner), where it then raised a further 55,000 Tenge (around $420). We then had the deputy chairman of the Kazakh Paralympic Committee give a small speech, during which an outrageously rude American group at a table behind us talked loudly all through. If it hadn’t been a corporate event that involved people Irina knew from work, I’d have gladly quietly told the ignorant rude idiots to shut the hell up or take their inconsequential conversation outside. Anyway, the return flight to Almaty sold for 100,500 Tenge (around $775), I think this was also put back in the pot to be re-sold and raise more money for the charity, though I appear to have forgotten to record the second amount. Apologies. Nope, scratch that, I entered the details at the end of my notes. The second time round the ticket sold for 60,000 Tenge (~$460). The ticket was then put back into the auction AGAIN, and resold for a 3rd time, for 51,000 Tenge ($390). So the two auctions items managed to raise around $2600 just by themselves! Altogether, with entrance tickets, donations & raffle tickets also included, the evening raised around 800,000 Tenge ($6200). I will certainly be keeping an eye out on TV for any coverage the Kazakh Paralympic team get next year in Shanghai ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh, and just for any hard core cynics out there, this is not a sponsored post, I just see this as being a worthy cause to promote.

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Aug 10 2007

BG Charity Event – Part #3

Category: Eating Out,Friends,Kazakhstan,PersonalChrisM @ 7:10 pm

So, as promised, here are further details of the rest of Wednesday’s charity event to raise funds for the Kazakh Paralympics team, organized by BG Kazakhstan…
Mira volunteered for a dance competition, where random pairs coupled up to dance to some music. Nothing too unusual so far, however every minute or so, the track was changed for something of a different genre, and the couple had to smoothly make the transition into a new dancing style more in line with the new music. At least that was the theory, however the DJ appeared to be having a little technical difficulty in getting her tracks to change. Anyway, in the end all entrants were awarded with a nice umbrella, which was put to good use on the walk home to our flat at the end of the evening.
In between competitions, we had a couple of singers to provide some background noise. Luckily, they were not too loud, so Mira and I had an opportunity to speak to each other a little. The deal was I would try and speak as much Russian, as she did in English. If you are reading this Mira, I think you still owe me a few ????????? ????? ๐Ÿ™‚
We then had a lady perform a traditional Kazakh dance, that I had not seen before.
More to come in a moment, need to decipher the rest of the messages I was typing out ๐Ÿ™‚

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Aug 10 2007

Six Years Today!

Category: Personal,PicturesChrisM @ 6:25 am

So it is a big HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Irina. Back in 2001, we were both here in Astana, getting ready for the big day. I managed to achieve my bi-annual achievement (looking reasonably smart, no stubble, AND wearing a suit!), and Irina surpassed her previous standards by looking even more stunning and beautiful than ever!

Chris Irina Merriman Anniversary 2007 Six Years

Ira is at work today, and I need to catch up on some sleep (the work required to get this PC working once more replaced my normal sleep for a while), however we are hopefully going out for a meal this evening, once we have said hello to the family that are visiting Ira’s parents house. (They are arriving today in readiness for tomorrow’s celebrations, as it is my mother-in-laws birthday on Saturday). Rather than buying a bottle of perfume that may not be to her taste, or something similar, I’ve agreed to try and get a Motorola Razr2 V8 or V9 when I head over to Britain, so if any friends of ours could keep an eye out in the local shops/online, we’d be really grateful.
So six years on, still together, an even stronger relationship, and has not got bored of me yet! Who could ask for anything more. Anyway, this blog does not often feature emotional content, but I hope everyone else can understand my wish to shout from the rooftops …. I LOVE YOU IRA ? ๐Ÿ™‚ ?

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Aug 10 2007

BG Charity Event – Part #2

Category: Eating Out,Friends,Kazakhstan,PersonalChrisM @ 6:07 am

Rather than relying on my alcohol fuzzed mind to recall the events of the evening, I actually made notes on my phone as the evening carried on, so I am hoping most of this is relatively accurate.
As I previously mentioned, we arrived and found ourselves a table. After quite a long wait, we eventually managed to order drinks and our meal. Being the incredibly adventurous soul I am, my order consisted of steak and sauce. Ira eventually decided to have the same, and we both ordered them to be medium. When the meat arrived, I am pretty sure it had stopped moving, but beyond that, it definitely seemed to be on the bloody side of rare, rather than medium, but they were tasty, so no real complaints there. Whilst the MC announced what was going on, and various videos were played, people came around selling raffle tickets; this was after all a charity event, not just a meal out. More on the prizes later. Towards the beginning of the night, there were a couple of young ballroom dancers swirling their stuff on the dance floor, though we were sat behind a column that blocked the view. Probably for the best, as the young lady did seem to distract quite a few of the men around me who did have a better view!
The British ambassador was in attendance, as was someone Irina and I had previously met at the Tex/Mex/Argentinian/Italian restaurant a few months back, who is apparently quite important within British Gas’ Kazakh arm.
Anyway, at this point I need to decipher exactly what I thought I was typing on my phone, so there will be more to come later, including Mira’s language deal with me, and her entrance to a dancing competition!

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Aug 10 2007

Finally Met Mira…

Category: Eating Out,Friends,Kazakhstan,PersonalChrisM @ 5:47 am

Though I think I should check how to spell her name tomorrow – Ira (or Mira) if you read this before I speak to you next, feel free to leave a comment laughing at my attempt to spell the name ๐Ÿ™‚
Anyway, for those who don’t know, she works with Ira over at KazMunaiGaz, and seems like a nice lady. We all went to the EastWest restaurant, as BG (British Gas) had organized a charity event to raise funds for Kazakhstan’s Paralympics team. The idea is to raise enough cash to help them attend next year’s Olympics over in Beijing. They also made reference to the BG Energy Challenge, another event to raise cash, where teams from companies are sponsored to take part in what looked like a cross between an endurance challenge, and the TV show It’s A Knockout. We arrived perfectly on time to the restaurant (which in Kazakhstan means about 50 minutes after the official start!), and eventually found a table to accommodate the three of us, sitting next to two Kazakh ladies. I forgot to bring my camera, and the shots I took with my mobile are not very good. (I also need to get ActiveSync working first anyway), but I’ll try and post photos later on today or tomorrow if I can.

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Aug 08 2007

One Year At KMG

Category: Eating Out,Kazakhstan,PersonalChrisM @ 2:28 am

My wife (Irina) has just finished working at KazMunayGaz for one year now. Although the first few weeks were actually unpaid training (sadly not too unusual here in Kazakhstan), she has now been travelling to the building for 52 weeks now.

KazMunayGaz Logo Kazakhstan Kazakstan Astana Oil Gas Petrochemical

My congratulations to her for coping with the transition to the Kazakh style of working, and not getting too freaked out by it all. We are hopefully meeting one of her work colleagues after work tomorrow, at a charity event at the local EastWest restaurant. (I’ll post more details on it tomorrow, I believe it is to raise funds for the paralympics team.)

Although life has definitely been quite different in this country, I think she is still glad we moved, and that there are many, many worse companies she could have ended up working for.

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Aug 06 2007

AC Working With All Required Features Enabled

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 8:27 pm

I took a moment to check out the manual for our air conditioner, and have set it up to blow cool air around the room in different directions, at a varying power level, whilst cleaning the air. Now that the time is properly set on the unit as well, it will automatically turn itself off in the evening, so Irina does not have to hide under a blanket on the sofa, hopefully ๐Ÿ™‚ The guys that installed the air conditioner did not set the clock on the unit, which meant than nothing could be set that relied on time, and as the only way to set the correct time was to reset the unit via the remote control, I thought I should check exactly what it could do ๐Ÿ™‚


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