Nov 14 2008

Kazakh Government Catching On?

Category: In The Media,KazakhstanChrisM @ 1:56 am

The last time I mentioned Borat (the fictional character or the film itself) was back on the August 15th 2007, which is reasonably surprising for a blog that is often based in Kazakhstan itself. Anyway, why has he popped up now, such a long time after the movie was released? DavidG e-mailed me a link to an article explaining that Kazakhstan’s deputy Minister for Tourism and Sports (Kenzhebay Satzhanov) appears to have shown that this country finally has the right idea when it comes to publicity and spin. He rightly stated that the character and film, whilst portraying a fictional version of Kazakhstan in a bad light has helped people to know about this area of the world, and consequently increased tourism. I remember when I first met Irina, back before Borat even existed on the Ali G show, most people did not have a clue where Kazakhstan was, or anything about the country. Compare this approach from the government to when they banned a Borat website that used the .KZ domain, and threatened Sacha Baron Cohen with legal action – it looks as though the powers that be have caught on to communication (with the rest of the world at least) in the 21st century 🙂

link to article removed, as page no longer existed

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Nov 14 2008

Moving Around

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 1:28 am

Irina has been working hard all day on packing together the items that we will be storing at the inlaws. I have written a guide to the flat for Dave, and helping to move the heavy stuff for Ira. I suspect our cupboards will soon be filled with healthy items, rather than the Coke and Fanta that used to adorn our shelves. Next on the list is properly packing the clothes and items we are taking to Britain, and porting all the info I’ll need on to the hard drives we’re taking. Trying to decide on what is essential data, and what I can do without is probably going to be difficult, but it may do the PC good to discover what is really critical, and what can be burnt off to disks and archived for now.

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Nov 13 2008


Category: Eating Out,Friends,Personal,PicturesChrisM @ 4:12 am

I have mentioned this pub a couple of times here on the blog, but have yet to post photos or pass comment on the food.
Well, lets start at the beginning. It is located near the Intercontinental Hotel here in Astana, and is most definitely branded as an Irish pub (though it is probably a lot closer to an Irish-themed pub in Britain than the real thing. Not a real issue, just letting you know). The decor is pretty good considering there probably aren’t that many Irish experts in this locality. The staff were very courteous, and I’m told there is always at least on member on duty who speaks English. The first time I went there, they didn’t have much Irish music at all, and as we were returning in the evening, I burnt some Dubliners albums (the only Irish music, other than Enya, I could find on my hard drive) for them. The food was good – I think I had some sort of steak and boiled potatoes dish, whilst the others had various Irish dishes. The stew was a lot more than passable apparently. The dessert was just the right size, and again tasty.
Onto the photos…
First we have Ira and Assel (Walton’s other 0.5)

Ira And Assel Sligo Pub Astana

Ira And Assel Sligo Pub Astana

Here we have the aforementioned Walton and me (I’m the one on the right, posing beautifully for the camera.)

Walton And Me

Walton And Me

Here we have Dr Ken (for any macho men out there, you’ll find beers are ALWAYS served with a straw over here – he didn’t actually specifically request one 😉 )

Dr Ken

Dr Ken

And here we have DaveG, loving the camera lens as much as ever 🙂



The next three are a shot of the back half of Sligo, the cheesecake I mentioned, and finally the band that were playing. Which makes me think all these photos must have been taken the last time we visited Slago. See KZBlog’s post (Live Music In Astana) for more info on the band.

Sligo Pub

Sligo Pub

Chocolate Cheesecake

Chocolate Cheesecake

Band Playing

Band Playing

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Nov 11 2008

Miss Lily, Joe And Mustang Sally

Category: Friends,Pictures,VideosChrisM @ 1:44 am

As previously promise, here we have some slightly better quality photos of Miss Lily (which reminds me, I need to edit the previous posts, as there is only two L’s in her (stage?) name, not three). It looks as though Ira’s camera is introducing some noise to the pictures, so we’ll need to go over the settings currently in use. For now, I’ve just used a couple of plugins and some light airbrushing to cover the speckles.

Miss Lily Northwind Astana

Miss Lily Northwind Astana

Miss Lily Posing Northwind Astana

Miss Lily Posing Northwind Astana

Miss Lily Joe Northwind Astana

Miss Lily Joe Northwind Astana

Finally we have a video from the same night, with Miss Lily and Joe performing Mustang Sally…

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Nov 10 2008

When Does 4 Equal 3.5?

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 5:19 am

I was reading up on Windows Vista the other day (Ira’s laptop had it installed when we bought it last year), and I was surprised to find out that even with Service Pack 1 installed, 32-bit flavours of Windows Vista can only address up to 4Gb of memory. SP1 means that the amount of system memory is now correctly reported, but the amount of available RAM is unchanged. Because of the 4Gb limit including your graphics card’s memory and the other addresses used on your motherboard, you are not likely to be able to use much more than 3.25-3.5Gb, no matter what RAM you physically install, unless you move up to 64-bit flavours!

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Nov 10 2008

Cute Kitties

Category: Dasha&Kittens,PicturesChrisM @ 4:50 am

Irina recently mentioned that I hadn’t posted the snaps she took off our cats when they were in a friendly mood with each other…

So we start with Muska and Kara sat cheek to cheek on the sofa, moving on to Muska hugging/holding Kara down (this is often also the start of them fighting – affection and conflict so close together…), then cwching/snuggling, then an ‘action’ (bit blurry 😉 ) shot of Muska cleaning Kara’s face, then finally Muska looking cute as ever whilst rotating for the camera.

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Nov 10 2008

Pack It Up, Pack It In

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 4:06 am

So, with the move imminent, what are ‘must packs’, and what are we leaving behind, either for DaveG & Nat to look after, or leave at the in-laws? Well bulky things obviously are a big no-no, so if we had any real sporting equipment around, they’d be left behind. For Irina, she needs to have clothes to keep out the damp in sunny Wales this winter, as well as clothes that aren’t too tight fitting (our little Lolik is still growing! (I need to find out if I can get permission to post a picture of Ira’s bump sometime 🙂 )).

Open Suitcase

Personally, I’ll be taking as many t-shirts as I can get away with, a few shirts and a couple of thick jumpers in case we go for any long bracing walks in the local hills and mountains. I think I’ll leave behind my big winter boots and furry coat, as it won’t be reaching -40 centigrade unlike here in Astana. I’m also trying to keep the gadgetry down to the bare minimum, though I suspect Ira and I will have different interpretations of that phrase 😉

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Nov 10 2008

Dave’s Party

Category: Friends,Personal,PicturesChrisM @ 3:54 am

Just before he went off to Moscow and moved out of his flat, DaveG held a party round at his (partially as a flat cooling party (does that term exist?) and partially as a goodbye for us, as we may not cross paths again for a few months). I took a few snaps, and realised that some of our friends had never been posted here on this blog before.
So, without further ado, may I present (starting from top left, going clockwise in both cases) Assel, DaveG (mostly obscured), Dan, another Dan and Jo.

DaveG's Party #1

DaveG's Party #1

Here we have Dr Ken, Irina, Walton, Assel, DaveG, Dan, Jo, and the other Dan again. (TBH I’ve labelled them as Shymkent and Non-Shymkent Dan in my phonebook, but that will make even less sense to everyone reading this.)

DaveG's Party #2

DaveG's Party #2

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Nov 10 2008

Plenitude of Past Pictures

Category: Dasha&Kittens,Eating Out,Friends,PicturesChrisM @ 2:44 am

I finally got around to transferring the photos from Ira’s camera onto my PC this evening. So you should expect some shots of… DaveG’s party, a few cute shots of Kara and Muska hugging, a couple of visits to the Irish pub (including one when they were had a competition where you could win prizes if you ordered pints of Kilkenny), and some more recent shots of Tishka’s kittens. I also have a lot of news-related posts I need to make, as I want to try and clear down the backlog before we move back to Clydach in a week or so.

(Yes I realise that ‘plethora’ tends to have negative overtones when people read it, but you try thinking of a word beginning with P that means lots of or a bug bunch 🙂 )
OK, I gave up and used an online thesaurus in the end. I turned down plenty and pack in favour of plenitude…

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Oct 28 2008

More Catchup Pictures

Category: Personal,PicturesChrisM @ 4:08 am

Another few photos this time, again taken with my phone, so the quality isn’t great.
I’m leaving the Amsterdam ones until I get the time to write some proper posts, and integrate them with the ‘proper’ camera photos and 2007’s trip.

First we have a couple of Aynak, the guard dog over at the inlaws. I realised she hadn’t featured very much at all in the 25 months or so this blog has existed. Time to rectify that oversight…

Aynak Face On

Aynak Face On

Aynak Profile

Aynak Profile

Here we have Irina proudly modelling her Mum’s wellies (gardening boots in case that is a UK English-only word) that we sourced in Britain for her.

Ira And Her Mum's Boots

Ira And Her Mum's Boots

Finally, we have what I think is a really nice photo of Ira’s Dad smiling in the garden. (I should probably point out the obvious before I get any comments from my dearly beloved… his attire was chosen for working in the muddy garden, not looking as smart as he normally does, and the beer on the table was the reward for working hard in aforementioned garden. There, think that’s all the bases covered 🙂 )

Ira's Dad Smiling

Ira's Dad Smiling

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