Jun 19 2009

Slow And Steady Wins The Race

Category: Kazakh Driving,VideosChrisM @ 11:59 pm

We used a taxi driver today who had been helpful, courteous and driven well in the past. Although the car he drives is something like an old banger of a Volkswagon Polo with an automatic gearbox, he knows the car well, seems to anticipate other drivers’ actions well.
Contrast that to a taxi driver who I drove with recently, who had a Subaru Impreza. The choice of car was an obvious indicator as to his driving style, and whilst I have to admit that I actually enjoyed the experience of zipping between lanes and fitting into gaps between cars that I wouldn’t have tried in a much smaller car, I wouldn’t want to have had Ira or Anna with me. Perhaps the fact I was a little drunk at the time helped me to relax 🙂
So why contact certain taxi drivers direct, rather than just ring a company, or flag down a passing motorist? Most of the time, we now need a car that we know has working, and accessible seat belts in the back, to attach Anna’s car seat to. Add on top of that that some drivers dislike the extra time it takes to safely place Anna in a car, and you can see why when we find a driver who takes their time, doesn’t make a car journey feel like a white knuckle roller coaster ride, we take their mobile phone number.

While we are on the topic of cars, I have only just got around to watching some of Robert Llewellyn’s CarPool episodes. Here is one featuring Dave Gorman. Robert Llewellyn is probably still most famous for playing Kryten in the UK comedy series Red Dwarf, and try searching on this blog or checking out his Wiki, to discover who Dave Gorman is.

urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh, yuck. Apologies to anyone who loaded this site in the last three minutes. I had originally embedded a video in this space, but when I went to check how it looked on my site, I discovered it automatically started playing. As I can’t see a ‘autoplay=1’ type argument in the code, I’ll just link to it instead, sorry. http://blip.tv/play/gdw_gYrZQJCkXA

Finally, wanted to give a quick heads up to research publicised in a BBC article on rear facing car seats for children. Apparently they should be used up until the age of four, which is certainly not common practice back in Britain. It would just be amazing to see any type of car seat/restraint used with most children over here in Kazakhstan :/

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Jun 18 2009

Air, Teeth, Mud, Concrete and Burgers

Category: Eating Out,In The Media,Kazakh Driving,PersonalChrisM @ 8:56 pm

This evening, so Anna could have some fresh air (and a snooze, as she had been cranky all day – teething?) we walked over to Mega (see previous tweet with picture). On the way there (we still take an extra few minutes to use the proper light controlled pedestrian crossing, compared to the main cross roads next to Mega, where cars don’t have to stop when turning right, even though the little green man is, well, green, for pedestrians) we cut across a little patch of grass to get to the pavement. It had previously been raining, and I suddenly found it very difficult to push Anna along. Looking down, I saw the wheel and lower part of the frame caked in mud. Lesson learned – stick to the concrete where possible. It looks like we may be needing some pressure washers to clear the mud off the frame for the pushchair. Hopefully the Akim here in Astana will consider building a proper pavement (sidewalk for American readers), as the one on our side of the road is actually just a series of (usually) connected concrete covers over large pipes.
Speaking of construction in Astana, NewEurasia.net has an article explaining how Kazakhstan hosting the Asian Winter Olympics has benefited Astana now that the city is co-hosting with Almaty (the old capital city over here). See here for the full run down.
Anyway, despite the use of big puddles, leaves and tissues, the pushchair was still leaving a muddy streak behind it when we arrived at Mega, so Ira ran in to pick up a few essentials from Ramstore, and also a couple of takeaways from Star Burger (I think that was the name) – I had a relatively tasty cheese burger, with no scary rabbit food (lettuce, tomato, gherkins etc), which filled a hole nicely.
On the way back a water tanker (one of the smaller versions, compared to what you might see in Europe) was drifting across lanes, apparently trying to drive through a car, rather than overtake it, luckily they both stopped in time for the zebra crossing, so we arrived back home in one piece, though a little wet, as the clouds broke again for a few minutes.

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Jun 03 2009

Lost And Found

Category: Personal,Windows MobileChrisM @ 5:11 pm

I had thought that the cracked screen on my main phone would mean at least the loss of access to the data on there, as well as the more obvious inconvenience of losing the use of the phone for audio communications, internet access on the move, the GPS and the camera for tweets etc.
The main reason for my thinking this was that I was unable to enter the PIN when turning the phone on, and didn’t want to stab at the screen randomly, in case I ended up locking myself out completely. See below for a shot of how my phone normally looks, and then how it now looks. See the ‘Should Have Dug‘ post for info on how the screen was smashed.

How It Should Look

How It Should Look

What It Actually Looks Like

What It Actually Looks Like

However, I finally remembered I had a keyboard built into the phone D'oh
Using this method of input, I was able to get the phone to the point where I could happily remote in and use a window on the PC as the phone’s visual output. I’ve also backed up and synced all the updated contacts and calendar events, so should I not be able to replace the screen sometime, I’ve not lost all the data. Apart from a few open files, all the data from the phone’s memory is also now residing on one of the hard drives here.

So… that is one lost and found (phone data), onto the next – Anna’s photos. Whilst waiting for some downloads last night, I searched through Ira’s laptop and found quite a few photos from our camera that I had not also backed up on my hard drives. This means that over the coming weeks there will be fresh photos of Anna for family and friends back in Britain (and Israel, Australia, America, over here in Kazakhstan), and Germany can see how Anna has been growing since the last batch of photos.

Finally, I need to check why the Xbox posts are not appearing in a timely manner, and when they do arrive, sometimes out of order. For now, I’m just manually adjusting the time stamps accordingly.
xbox not picking up posts

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Jun 01 2009

Truly Back At Ours Again

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 1:44 am

Having been at the in-laws for around a fortnight, we should be moving all our stuff over Monday morning, with the idea of actually moving in the same day. Whilst it has been great to see and live with Ira’s parents again, it will be nice to be moving back into our own space, even if our daily routine doesn’t actually change that much (babies are a universal modifier of regular activities I guess 🙂 ). I’ll try and grab a photo of all the boxes, suitcases and bags that are being carted over, as quite how we’ve managed to accumulate so much stuff is a mystery.

Oh, one final thing before I head to bed… Any biology geeks out there, could you double check my calculations for me? We have just started using tonight a mosquito killer liquid. You can see it second from the bottom here – http://www.komarov.net/nezh.html . I looked up the World Health Organization’s report on the active ingredient here – http://www.who.int/whopes/quality/en/Esbiothrin_spec_eval_Oct_2004.pdf . If I read it correctly, a baby weighing around 6-7 kilos should have absolutely no problem with the substance, given that the bottle lasts approx. 45 days (not sure whether thats on a 24/12/8 hour usage cycle in any one day), contains 30ml, of which the chemical makes up approx 1.7% .
Anyway, enough of the maths/chemistry/biology for now, I need some sleep as Ira’s Dad’s workers are coming around 10am to give us a hand shifting this lot.

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May 26 2009

Aunty Sveta Seems To Approve :)

Category: Anna's Photos,PersonalChrisM @ 2:57 pm

The following photos were all taken around the time (26th – 28th May) Aunty Sveta came to visit us at Irina’s parents, with some other family members. Aunty Sveta was very glad to finally see a small addition to our family. The pictures were all taken around the in-law’s home – in the back garden, kitchen and on the garden swing.

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May 24 2009

Bouncy Chair

Category: Anna's Photos,PersonalChrisM @ 2:50 am

Although not quite the panacea to Anna’s refusal to sleep when we were back in Britain, the bouncy chair that we were given over here is definitely very useful, we now use it at meal times so she can feel a little more included whilst we eat, and when we come in from our (very nearly) daily walks, Anna can be put in the chair whilst we collapse the pushchair, wash our hands, and generally go back into house mode 🙂
Anyway, here is a quick shot from the 24th May, showing Anna enjoying the chair. I’m hoping Irina will occasionally add to these posts with comments about Anna’s clothes, as I’m not exactly an expert on them. In general, they are pretty, and lots of them were given by lovely relatives and friends. To be honest, if Anna is comfortable in them, and they aren’t black, purple and brown pinstripes, I’m happy 🙂

Anna In Her Bouncy Chair

Anna In Her Bouncy Chair

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May 23 2009

Astana in May – Sun Burn Or Sn…

Category: TweetsChrisM @ 10:48 pm

Astana in May – Sun Burn Or Snowmen?This time last year we’d been camping by a lake.Glorious weather.Ira looked out the window 2day-snowing!

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May 22 2009

DanD Comes To Greet Anna

Category: Anna's Photos,PersonalChrisM @ 2:45 pm

The next day (22nd May) DanD popped over to Chubary (where Ira’s parents live, and where we were based until our flat was redecorated and had hot water again) to see Anna for the first time.
He and Lara have very well behaved and cute twins (given a discussion I had the other day, I would just like to point out that the two of them have their own unique personalities, and referring to them as twins is a lazy label. There, think my arse is covered now), who haven’t yet met Anna. Once they do, I’m hoping they’ll be a positive role model for her 🙂

DanD and Anna

DanD and Anna

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May 20 2009

Happy Birthday Seb

Category: FriendsChrisM @ 1:08 am

Guess what this post is about? 🙂

Now although Irina and I had a reminder on our phones that the 19th May was his (27th??) birthday, we also had one set for today, and as last year we congratulated him on the 20th, I’m going to assume that is the correct date…

Hope you’re having a great time back in Britain, was great to see you, really glad you saw Anna, and remind me I owe you a birthday drink or two when we get back again (~Christmas hopefully).

Happy Birthday Seb

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May 19 2009

Shopping For Cats, Then Onto…

Category: Pictures,TweetsChrisM @ 5:56 am

Shopping4cats,then2flat2move PC etc b4decorators create dust.V.grateful2 Yurbilan,Ira’s Dad’s chauffeur4driving us. http://twitpic.com/5h4lp

Very Nice Man

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