Dec 03 2009

Anna With Improvised Toy Arrangement

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 5:54 pm

Gwen was obviously feeling a little left out on the 1st of April, as Ira and I were both videoing Anna in her cot downstairs, and so resorted to throwing toys at us, in the hope of reminding the silly humans what we were supposed to do with cow and blue dog.
You can see the improvised mobile/bed toy arrangement Ira created from pushchair toys and some shoelace/string/ribbon (?)

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Dec 02 2009

RT @isohunt: “Help the Aussie …

Category: TweetsChrisM @ 12:48 am

RT @isohunt: “Help the Aussie Pirate Party, it needs 500 members before the end of the year.” Alex you reading this?

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Dec 01 2009

Hitting The Beach With Anna

Category: Anna's Videos,Friends,PersonalChrisM @ 5:30 pm

Skipping forward a little, this camcorder video was shot on the 22nd of March, meaning Anna was now one month and a day old. Seb had come over ( 🙂 ), and we decided to have a walk along Port Talbot beach, so he, I, Irina, Anna and Gwen all piled into the car, and drove down a few junctions on the motorway. It was a pretty good day weather wise, considering it was a) Britain, b) Wales specifically and c) Only March!
Seb found some driftwood to take home (the Mondeo obviously wasn’t full enough yet!) for Mum and John, and we all managed to get some fresh air and I think we even squeezed in a quick fish’n’chips shop visit.

Oh the ‘depends if there are any dogs around’ was a reference to letting Gwen off her lead. She is only a little dog, and wants to make friends with everyone/any dogs. Some dogs get a bit aggressive and she doesn’t defend herself very well.
Also, please excuse the wind on the microphone, didn’t have a sponge to stick on it sadly.

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Dec 01 2009

Happy Birthday Con

Category: FriendsChrisM @ 1:09 am

Though you are still hundreds of miles away, know that Ira and I are hoping you have a great day, don’t get too wrecked, and manage to remember the good parts tomorrow 🙂

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Nov 29 2009

Cousin Thrice Removed?

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 5:19 pm

OK, so I can’t figure out right now exactly what relation Alan (Dana’s son) is to Anna officially, but I’m hoping they’ll get to meet again soon. This video was again shot on the 5th of March, when Anna was just under two weeks old. Irina and I were speaking to Dana via Skype, and decided to place ourMum’s webcam over Anna’s cot, as she seemed a much prettier subject 🙂

As I write this post, Anna is again asleep in a cot, looking a lot older, bigger and more ‘with it’. She is however in an identical hands up/surrender pose during her slumber 🙂

Hmm, I should probably check with Irina what was being said in Russian, to ensure nothing private/rude has been published…

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Nov 28 2009

Trucked Off

Category: Friends,PersonalChrisM @ 11:30 pm

Wow, the whole front page is, until this post, made up of recent tweets. Sorry about the lack of real content. I’ve got a few more Anna videos to post, and a few photos to sort as well. So what has happened since the last real post? Aunty Sveta and her family returned to their home town (most of them went on the train, but my the Best Man from my wedding has bought a lorry, and happened to be in Astana for a delivery. He obviously couldn’t leave it here, so drove it back. At least we know what we can get him for his next birthday, some (semi-(if you’re an American reader)) truck accessories seem quite apt, I especially like the idea of a 12V pizza oven! I’m guessing that this (and the coffee maker) are supposed to be used when not actually driving? Anyway, all seemed well with them, and it was good to see them once more this year.
As mentioned in a previous tweet, we had some friends over for a meal last night, and we managed to save some of the death by chocolate cake for Ira’s parents to try today. They both seemed to like it 🙂

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Nov 27 2009

JohnA and family are over for …

Category: Friends,Pictures,TweetsChrisM @ 8:10 pm

JohnA and family are over for a lovely roast cooked by Ira. Who also made a delicious Death By Chocolate cake.

Death By Chocolate Home Cooked

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Nov 20 2009

A Snort But No Farts

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 12:39 am

Shot on March the 1st 2009, Anna is now eight days old. She is sat on the sofa with Aunty Chris holding her, and you’ll see Irina, John (Aunty Chris’ John, that is) and Mum towards the end of the clip.

I should point out the raspberry sound is me attempting to get Anna’s attention, not anything she produced personally 🙂

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Nov 20 2009

I Love Pills

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 12:23 am

So, today found me combing through the contents of our bathroom cupboard, trying to translate Russian pharmacological terms into English, and creating a stockpile of ‘goodies’. Why? Just trying to fend off the worst of the cold symptoms (note I didn’t use the word flu or even man-flu – I know what the flu is like, and a simple head cold for a few days isn’t the same as being unable to get out of bed and feeling like death warmed up). I was sure we had a few different remedies, and in conjunction with the lemsip like powder Ira’s mum gave us, I seem to be over the worst of it by a long shot. Luckily Anna and Irina don’t seem to have picked up my bug, and after this afternoon’s vodka and ground pepper (I was feeling cold after taking Anna for a walk in the park) everything seemed rosy. Now I am sober, so thought I should get back to posting.
There, managed the whole post without referring to Smart-Es or ludes 🙂

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Nov 20 2009

Anna Video Catch Up Begins

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 12:05 am

As I have mentioned a couple of times previously, the videos of Anna on this site have all been taken from Ira’s photo camera. Although we had a camcorder in Britain and here in Kazakhstan, we didn’t often get it out to tape Anna. Not sure why, but there you go. Anyway, I’ve finally dug out the firewire lead and hooked up the camcorder to this PC to transfer the few clips across.

This first one was shot on the 28th February 2009, when Anna was just one week old! I know the clip isn’t very long, but this was the first time we used the camcorder to record how Anna looked.

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