Nov 28 2007

How To Win Friends And Influence People…

Category: VideosChrisM @ 8:51 pm

All American content, but still interesting to see just how unsporting sportsmen and women can be.

The video itself is quite large (around 12.5Mb), and although not of the highest quality, seems to use a lot of bandwidth, so if your internet connection is too slow to watch the clip smoothly, one tip I make use of is to simply lower the volume to nothing, let the whole clip play jerkily on another tab, then once it has completed, re-play the video, and watch the clip again then, once it has been cached.

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Aug 01 2007

More Apps For Amsterdam – WiFiFoFum

Category: Amsterdam,Personal,WiFi,Windows MobileChrisM @ 6:26 am

This application is specifically for PDAs (Windows based) with WiFi capabilities – be it built in or, as in my case, a Compact Flash card. Although there are several WiFi detection applications already available, this one caught my eyes with its combination of simplicity and versatility. OK, and the fact that you get a geeky looking radar as one possible view swung my vote as well 🙂
If you combine WiFiFoFum with a GPS unit, the accuracy of where the WiFi access point (AP) is located is a lot more accurate. So why should you care? Well if you are in a town without your own private internet connection, it is useful to know where there are unencrypted WiFi signals you can use to access the web. When there are multiple possibilities, it makes sense to use the strongest signal, and in the case of Amsterdam, to know you can relax in a cafe somewhere, rather than be perched on a bench, exposed to the elements.
I’ve not been able to test the GPS functionality just yet over here in Kazakhstan, but once more, I’ll make a more in depth review around October time hopefully.

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Jun 17 2007

BT – Best Telephones

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 8:00 pm

I remember many years ago, when phones had to have a little green triangle on the packaging, to show they had been officially approved. You could buy cheaper phones and modems, but if they didn’t have the sticker, you were officially breaking the law! All the interesting hardware was often imported from Asia, with no approval having been paid for. One of the get out clauses used by an ISP I worked at, was that if a customer’s phones and modems did not have the BT approved triangle, that was the reason their internet connection was slow (back in the days of 56k dial up). Obviously some customers actually believed this and went and bought new hardware. Sadly, in the majority of cases, the internet connection did not improve. Having said that, I can’t remember the last time I saw anyone questioning the REN (ringer equivalency number) of a person with telecommunications difficulties. Anyone know if the limit has been raised from 4?

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May 07 2007

Windows XP On A PDA!!!

Category: In The Media,Personal,Windows MobileChrisM @ 11:14 pm

When I first read the description accompanying a link to the Register’s story, I though it was just another case of a lazy journalist (unlike my highly efficient journalist brother, Nick; more on that to come later…) not bothering to do any research before posting.
It initially sounded as though there was another remote connection application being launched, with some vague claims for industry firsts.
However, if you check the article in question, you’ll discover that this is quite different. Apparently, there will be real remote desktops available (for a fee of course), accessible through either a Java applet or ActiveX control, on a web page. This means that ANY technology capable of interacting with a web site, through the aforementioned methods, should be able to ‘use’ a Windows XP machine. The ramifications of this are quite wide spread, for example people can work on their documents where ever they happen to be at the time, if they can get an internet connection there.
Although I still regularly use various VNC clients, I can see this sort of technology becoming more popular in the future, as the uses of it are realised by people in different sectors.

This post is NOT sponsored, once more I found the information interesting, and hope some of you may do so also…

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