Oct 06 2008

Busy Night So Far

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 4:12 am

I’ll post more details later, but I have been testing the UTF-8 converter plugin that I previously mentioned (see the Ooops – Sorry For All The ??? post). I used a blog that doesn’t get much traffic or have many high-income adverts placed on it, just in case the crap hit the fan. After a few minor headaches and periods of intense head scratching, I think I’ve found a way to bodge everything into place after the plugin does it’s work. It will mean that all posts containing Cyrillic letters will have questions marks in their place, however searching WordPress for multiple ?s luckily works well. Now I need to go and grab the laundry baskets, stick on the washing, grab a shower and head to bed… Well maybe a couple more posts first 😉

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