Oct 19 2007

PR of 3 :(

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 1:35 am

It looks as though this blog has dropped from having a Google PageRank of 4 to just 3. This could well be due to the commercial posts I have been making, which have placed a lot more OBL (outbound links) on the front page, or perhaps Google are attempting to deliver on their threat/promise to punish bloggers who try and make a living from their site. I’d gladly be using AdSense right now, however Google saw fit to ban my account, so I had to turn to alternative methods.
Hey ho.


8 Responses to “PR of 3 :(”

  1. This Weak in SEO - 10/19/07 says:

    […] Chris is upset because he lost Google Toolbar PageRank and his Adsense account. […]

  2. racheumeuneu says:

    I didn’t see any PR update recently, how could your blog’s PR drop ? What tool did you use to see that ?

  3. Chris Merriman says:

    There have been some re-adjustments over the last 6 weeks on some sites. I have only just returned from my holidays, so I have no idea if an official Google PR update has actually occurred.

    I use the LivePR FireFox extension, as well as Softnik’s Good Keywords stat checker.

    See here for the FF extension, here for the Softnik’s Good Keywords and here for a Google DC check.

  4. racheumeuneu says:

    Thank you, Chris. I can confirm that no official Google PR update has occured recently. Thank you for the tools as well, I’m going to check it out.

  5. Chris Merriman says:

    np at all. Hope they help some time in the future. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you find this site – random browsing, linked from someone else, google search etc. ? If you don’t want to say, np, just interested…

    excusez-moi pour pas commente (?) ton (?) votre blog, mais mon francais c’est une petit peut mal….

  6. racheumeuneu says:

    I discovered your blog on Walkonmypath.com (today’s post). I am currently reading your comment.

    Pas de probleme pour le francais, je parle anglais ! 😉

  7. Chris Merriman says:

    Ah, thanks for satisfying my curiosity 🙂

  8. Google Strike Again says:

    […] just over a week after Google dropped this blog’s PageRank from a 4 to a 3, they struck again. Unless the data centres are having some bizarre little jittery dance, and the […]