PockeTwit has been updated again, and the most interesting part for me is the possibility to include videos within a tweet (as twitvid still doesn’t have a native Windows Mobile client) via the Posterous system. I would like to be able to drop Qik from my regular blogging applications list on my phone. The lack of full resolution, and the fact that since Qik’s recent system update that embedded videos now auto-play mean that any alternative for shooting videos whilst out and about should be interesting.
I have yet to install the updated .NET CF 3.5 install, but I hope that it will stop the failed to connect message that sometimes pops up in PockeTwit. Check the PockeTwit update page for other changes made (Ignore the URL, the update for PockeTwit is definitely v0.84, not v0.85), or if you prefer to just download the latest CAB (for direct installation on you WM device) or MSI executable (for installing via your PC) check this page.
Nov 21 2010
PockeTwit Update
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