Sep 08 2010

Painswick Church

Category: Anna's PhotosChrisM @ 11:14 pm

After a walk around the gardens in Painswick, we popped into a pub and had a nice meal. Following that, we popped into the church across the road and had a look round. The grounds outside have a lot of Yew tress, that have various stories attached to them. Some people believe you can successfully never complete a count of the trees, or that the trees move around the grounds. Other people believe that whenever you plant a new tree to add to the (apparently) 99 trees already there, an old one will die, maintaining the level at less than a hundred already. As we were walking around with Anna, we didn’t have the time (or motivation to be honest!) to actually count them ourselves. Oh, another 14th of March entry by the way.


5 Responses to “Painswick Church”

  1. Alex C says:

    Is it my imagination or have I read this and the post about a promenade in the promenade before?
    In fact I definitely remember commenting on the mysterious conifers in Painswick because Mat has trimmed them before. Odd…

    • ChrisM says:

      I’ve replied to Alex via PM, but in case anyone else wondered something similar, the older posts had photos taken on the day with my phone. These recent posts are all photos taken from our proper camera, so there will be instances where the same locations appear again.

      • Alex C says:

        So did you replace the old pictures and posts with new pictures and posts? Or did I comment on them somewhere other than your blog. I know it doesn’t take much but I’m still a bit confused 🙂

        • ChrisM says:

          No replacements at all.
          The old posts with phone pictures were taken and posted on the 14th of March. They should still be there in the March archives.
          Don’t forget all posts are thrown into facebook as well, so comments were probably left there. Now SOME facebook comments are automatically then reimported to this blog. However this only works if people comment on imported WordPress posts over at Facebook. If they leave comments on imported tweets in Facebook (like the ones informing people there is a new post on the blog. Also, if a tweet was the origin of the blog post, the comment won’t be imported, or if the tweet was informing people there is a new blog post on this site, the same applies.)
          Hmmm, I’d create a flow chart to illustrate/simplify this explanation, but not motivated enough 🙂

        • ChrisM says:

          Oh, and same duplicate locations will occur from Qik based videos from my phone (shot on the day they were published), and videos (mostly from YouTube) that were shot on the day on a proper camera, but not uploaded for a while.