Aug 09 2012

Only 4 or so years late, our a…

Category: Kazakhstan,Pictures,TweetsChrisM @ 3:10 pm

Only 4 or so years late, our area is finally going to be connected to Astana’s city wide heating system! Cheaper bills.

Big Crane And Pipes, Astana

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4 Responses to “Only 4 or so years late, our a…”

  1. Alex C says:

    Hearing sytem? Is this like so the Almighty can beam thought control direct to your heads?

    • ChrisM says:

      lmao, didn’t catch that typo, thanks.

      • Alex C says:

        Ahhh, now it makes sense. Wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be heating or not. What’s that then? How does it work? Do you still have control over your own thermostat or do you get the heat that is given to you?

        • ChrisM says:

          We will now have out heating turned off and on on the same dates as everyone else in the city on the same system. It is a bit like New York’s I think. TBH, unless it got below -30, most days we had all our radiators turned off (no thermostat at all, just a dial on each radiator), and sometimes had the windows and balcony doors open… the heat from all the flats below us (mostly on at full tilt probably) heated our flat up too much! In the past, radiators here didn’t have individual flow controllers, and although some do now, as you pay the same amount, people don’t care to turn them down. They also prefer far higher room temperatures than some of us in the West.