Got Kumys?
Thanks to Nonpon, for pointing out an article in Modern Drunkard Magazine on kumys drinking. Kumys is of course very mildly alchoholic and will not get you wasted unless you gulp down three or four straight. Personally I prefer shubat, fermented camel’s milk which is much thicker than kumys.
I also wanted to point out that if you are dying for a T-shirt of Chingis Khan with a kumys moustache, you can go here: Got Kumys, to a Cafe Press site set up by a friend of mine, based on some jokes we made. Check out the other merchandise if you like as well and then buy lots of stuff. Of course, they do not yet ship to Kazakhstan, so I don’t get to have anything. But I do get a dollar or so profit on the tees, so get your Christmas/New Years shopping done early!