The 6th of June 2010 saw everyone in the back garden at the in-law’s again. Although the now completed play house has featured in a previous video, I think these are the first pictures to be put up on the site. (Actually there may have been some low-res twitpics from my phone, but you get the idea). The sand pit is now in place, but there is no sand, and the cute little ladybird cover hasn’t yet been sewn together. I need to go and check through the next few folders of photos, as I suspect there will be more similar ones that can be grouped into this post.
May 17 2011
Almost There. Just Need A Ladybird & Some Sand!
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May 13 2011
Bathing Like A Big Girl
It did not take long for Anna to decide that a baby bath was just that – a bath that only little babies used! I think we bathed her in a normal bath when we were back in Britain, and so upon our return to Kazakhstan, she became really quite adamant that this should continue. Although our bath is almost entirely enclosed (a bit of a worry when Anna was less steady on her feet, as reaching in wasn’t as convenient as when we were back in Clydach), with the addition of a bath mat, Anna seemed OK in there, and with the toys and bubbles she normally enjoys her ablutions time.
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May 12 2011
From Squeaking To Swinging
Almost done now with media recorded on the 22nd of May 2010 that features Anna! Again in Anna’s play area in the back garden at Chubary, we have a couple of shots, one featuring Anna with her chair once more (see previous videos), the other of Irina and Anna relaxing in the hammock/chair/swing thing. It looks as though the sun may have been coming out in the second photo, as Anna’s hat is being removed. The hammock style seat is very comfortable, and doesn’t seem to make any ominous sounds when I relax on it, so I’m relieved and happy. Also useful for reminding me that more work is needed before chin-ups in the double figures will be possible 🙂
OK, I’ve noticed that some shots from the next day were also in the same area, so I’ve also included these in the gallery.
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May 10 2011
Anna remembering that by the p…
Anna remembering that by the powers of Fork & Spoon combined, she can get to dessert in half the time 🙂
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May 10 2011
Very Proud Of Her Chair!
The 21st of May 2010 sees a quick shot of Anna next to her new (at the time) best plaything – her chair! She had one bought for our flat, and one for Chubary. Originally the chair squeaked/farted when you sat down on it (a design feature, not a flat), however after rigorous use of this noise making ability, the one in our flat no longer works. In Chubary however, the seat still squeaks, and Anna still sometimes enjoys scaring the cats by bouncing up and down on it.
In case you care, the design is similar to the image below, which for some reason was submitted to FunnyEngrish. There is debate over whether it should be goat or sheep, but the title is apparently a good translation still.
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May 07 2011
First visit of the year to Ali…
First visit of the year to Ali BaBa with Ira & Anna! Hope to come here often with friends & family this year…
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May 06 2011
Room To Grow
Another day later (yes, that makes it the 17th of May 2010!) saw Anna take a liking to one of my shirts. No doubt it was stuck on the back of the chair I sit at when on the PC. If it only gets worn for an hour or two whilst I pop outside, it seems totally unnecessary to wash it, but for some reason I have some pathological fear of hanging it back up with the “properly” clean clothing. This can sometimes lead to a few different tops floating around the living room and bedroom. This in turn winds up Irina, so I’ve tried to keep this habit in check recently.
Back to the photo, Anna proudly tottered around in the shirt for a while, and so we had a chance to take a slightly blurry, badly framed shot that I still think looks cute 🙂
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May 06 2011
Random Tanya Meeting
This is just a quick post – the next day (16th of May 2010) saw all Irina and Anna go for a walk in Astana Park, which is just across the road from us, before heading to the shops for shoes. Back then that sort of “walk” nearly always needed the pushchair to be taken along. When you’re living on the fourth floor with no lift, we were already looking forward to a time when Anna could handle walking around under her own steam for a bit longer. Anyway, they met Ira’s friend Tanya in the area just over the pedestrian footbridge, and took a quick shot. The tall buildings in the background (Grand Alatau) are where Interhouse is based, though I’m not sure if I was already working there by then?
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May 06 2011
Ali BaBa With Aidan And Anna
Still on the 15th of May 2010, we have a meeting between Aidan (DanC’s son) and Anna. Their date was at Ali BaBa (see 12 posts ago), which coincidentally meant their parents and Walton could grab a bite to eat and a drink or three. Actually, remembering back almost a year ago, I think Buddy Bears came after meeting up at Ali BaBa, but I can hope you can forgive me a few hours discrepancy with Anna’s pictures? Anyway, we grabbed on of the comfy side tables where you can sit on cushions and Anna and Aidan could lie down and nap if they wanted (ha ha ha, obviously didn’t happen, but it was good to have the option there 🙂 ).
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May 04 2011
Anna’s Playgroup
I’ll try and find the area or street name out from Irina later on, but I just wanted to write a quick post about the playgroup/kindergarten/insert your preferred phrase here that Anna attends.
Every Tuesday and Thursday I drive Anna over to the playgroup. The journey isn’t too bad, considering we catch the tail end of rush hour, and need to travel via a few major roads. Now that Anna is happy wearing her sunglasses, I don’t get a blood curdling scream every time we’re facing the sun whilst driving, which reminds me, we need to go and find a better fitting pair this evening – I think the current glasses are designed with younger children in mind.
Anyway, we arrive and park up the car, then proceed to the entrance door (the location is basically a converted flat/apartment, so they share their main doorway with all the other people living there). Once buzzed in, Anna walks up to the second floor (she stopped trying to demand being carried up and down stairs a good few weeks back now) with me, and we get welcomed in. Although this is Kazakhstan, only the children need to remove their outdoor shoes (the room they go into has a carpet, the parents are in a reception area that has lino). We take off the multiple layers that local customs dictate must swaddle your child, even if the temperature is well above freezing and you’ve driven there(!), and then the children go into their room with the teacher. If we’ve arrived early enough, Anna can join in playing with some of the toys there, whilst we wait for everyone to arrive. Speaking of everyone, the other children tend to number between two and five others. Just about the right size, IMO.
Once the session is about to start, the door is shut (partially to ensure the kids don’t constantly run in and out to be with their mothers (I’m the only Dad in attendance), and also because as I’ve mentioned before, the mums do tend to talk quite loudly, despite being sat only a metre or two away from each other. As the glass is frosted, I can only go from the sounds I hear, but it seems as though there is a routine each time, starting off with a song that gets them all involved (singing, pointing at each other when their names are mentioned and other hand actions). The rest seems to be semi-educational, semi-fun. Each time, the children complete some sort of Arts & Crafts project, I’m amazed at how little mess Anna has on her by the end of it! Anyway, this carries on for around 40/45 minutes, they have a regular goodbye sort of song, and then the door is opened. Normally happy and bouncy, they all run out to their respective Mum or Dad, usually brandishing their artwork with pride. We reverse the previous domification (not a real word, dom is home in Russian) of clothing and footwear, and get ready to head home. Most weeks, whilst the children are playing and there are multiple simultaneous loud Russian language conversations going on, I pop outside for a cigarette and return to watch very old episode of Dr Who from the 60s on my phone. It might appear a little rude, but to be honest if I sit there doing nothing, my brain tries to listen to all the competing conversations at once, and gradually melts down as it tries to grab a few words of the vocab I know, and build up a picture of exactly what they are talking about.
Anna seems to enjoy going their each time, I can’t remember a “I don’t want to go” sort of reaction prior to leaving our flat. The price is very reasonable, to the point of wondering how they’re actually making enough profit to pay both the staff there! They recently asked everyone to sign contracts, basically setting out what we can expect from them, and what they expect from us (if you don’t turn up, please get a note from a doctor if you don’t want to be charged), but they are very reasonable, not even charging us for the time I tried to turn up, found a road blocked and didn’t manage to find a better route. All the children seem to get on very well with the teacher, and whilst the room doesn’t have all the latest academic gadgets, and isn’t really close to where we live, the fact that Anna is happy there, and happy with the nice lady who teaches (OK, need to find a better word than teacher, but you know what I mean) means we’re happy to keep taking Anna there.
This photo was taken recently – the bright sun at the window confused the not-too-great sensor in my phone’s camera, but it gives you a basic idea of the place.
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