Jul 13 2007

Kittens Plus Textured Wallpaper ? Good Idea

Category: Dasha&Kittens,Personal,PicturesChrisM @ 4:23 am

The title pretty much says it all….
Despite having a scratching post, a nice scratch board that was originally infused with some cat nip or something similar, Karra and Muska both seem to see wallpaper, especially near corners of walls as something inherently evil that this flat needs to be defended from. We have tried telling them off, and they sensibly avoid the scene of the crime, for a good, well, err, 10 minutes maybe? In one other case, they scratching appears to be incidental to their trying to catch the chain on a light switch, near Ira’s dressing table.

Just in case you think I am exaggerating, please do check the pictures below.

Kittens Plus Textured Wallpaper Not A Good Idea Kittens Plus Textured Wallpaper Not A Good Idea 2
Kittens Plus Textured Wallpaper Not A Good Idea 3 Kittens Plus Textured Wallpaper Not A Good Idea 4

That last photo has been quite heavily photoshopped to try and show where the claws were put to use…

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Jun 21 2007

Cat + Window = Heart Attack

Category: Dasha&Kittens,Kazakhstan,Personal,Pictures,WeatherChrisM @ 3:07 am

The title pretty much says it all. A little background before the photo though, the temperature over here is now steadily rising. Today it was around 32 or 33 degrees (centigrade 😉 ) outside, and tomorrow’s forecast is for 38.
As we still do not have an air conditioning system here, the only option really is to have the windows and balcony doors open in the evening and over-night, when it is cooler, and then keep them shut in the daytime, to try and preserve the cooler air in the flat.
The main problem with this is our kittens. I can not help but imagine them trying to chase a fly right out the window, and as we live on the 4th floor (3rd to UK readers), that would not be at all healthy for the cats.
We can open the doors on the alternate hinges, so they open at the top, rather than the side, but this does not allow as much air in. So, we have recently had ‘supervised’ sessions with the kittens, where we sit on the balcony and try to ensure the cats do not do anything silly. Irina seems a lot more comfortable with this than me, I keep getting so nervous that my palms sweat. Ira does raise a good point though, if we do not have a stool near the window, the cats are liable to try and jump up on the narrow internal window ledge, which would not be good.
Anyway, enough of the talking, here is a photo from this evening, with Karra watching the traffic go by…

Cat Plus Window Equals Heart Attack

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Jun 12 2007

Karra & Muska Go Exploring

Category: Dasha&Kittens,Friends,Personal,PicturesChrisM @ 12:19 am

Having already ripped the ears of the toy cat in the spare room, smashed the beautiful picture frame from Alex, and torn down a lot of wall paper that was aggravating them, Muska and Karra decided to get to the top of the world, from their perspective at least…
On top of the cupboard, masters of all they survey….

Karra & Muska Go Exploring

This is the room Alex will be staying in soon, and where the kittens complain if they are not allowed access into.

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May 08 2007

Karra The Screen Blocker

Category: Dasha&Kittens,PicturesChrisM @ 7:12 pm

If you check the older pictures of Karra & Muska, there was a time when Karra could monitor my work on the PC, without blocking the screen…
Not anymore, unless she has some room made for her, and is encouraged to lie down, my work suddenly comes to a halt 🙂

Karra Next To The Screen Karra Lying Down Next To The Screen

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May 01 2007

Just Found This Photo…

Category: Dasha&Kittens,PicturesChrisM @ 5:06 pm

of Dasha from a couple of years ago…

Dasha Yawning Or Hissing

So, what do you think Karra and Muska’s mum is actually doing here – yawning or hissing?

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Apr 27 2007

My 3 Girls Zonked Out…

Category: Dasha&Kittens,Personal,PicturesChrisM @ 4:47 pm

After a hard day working…

Ira Kara Muska Lying Down

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Apr 22 2007

Muska Climbs To New Heights

Category: Dasha&Kittens,Personal,PicturesChrisM @ 12:00 am

Whilst we were setting up the TV (see the last post), we had to move some things around temporarily.
This meant the PC chair was in the bedroom, next to the door. This was too tempting for Muska to ignore, so she jumped up on top of the door for the first time in her life, and spent a while surveying the area from this new vantage point.
Muska Bedroom Door

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Apr 12 2007

2002 vs 2006

Category: Dasha&Kittens,PicturesChrisM @ 1:12 pm

Following on from my video comparison of Dasha’s kittens in 2003 compated to now , here is a picture of Dasha’s litter from a year earlier (2002).
Dashas Kittens 2003
(We were obviously still living in Britain then, but we came over to Kazakhstan for Summer or New Year trips)

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Apr 11 2007

Muska Peacefully Co-Existing

Category: Dasha&Kittens,PicturesChrisM @ 2:42 am

Took a quick shot earlier this evening, when Muska was on top of the TV, next to a synthetic impersonator.
Muska seems happy enough sharing her space with the furry toy, Karra however is often to be found dragging the poor toy around (no small feat for a little kitten to achieve), as if claiming it as her hunting trophy.
Muska And Toy On TV
And yes, I’m well aware Muska is showing red eye from the flash (well green eye), but PhotoShop didn’t want to help me there, and I didn’t have time to do the job manually.

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Apr 07 2007

Kitten Videos

Category: Dasha&Kittens,VideosChrisM @ 12:05 am

I lost some videos whilst attempting to fix this week’s blog problems, so have these instead…

First we have the kittens just a little while after they were born, last year. They’re snoozing/feeding, and one has a little difficulty in finding a decent posture…

One of them playing in their box, before they started to venture a little further..

Oh, go on then, have another one…

Next we have the same mum – Dasha, but with her kittens from 2003

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