Feb 18 2007

Astana Weather in Wikipedia

Category: Kazakhstan,WeatherChrisM @ 3:00 pm

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astana – check out the climate section in the Wiki for Astana

Is it just me, or do the average temperatures for Astana in the summer seem completely unrealistic?

I’ve left a comment in the discussion section ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Astana#Climate ) for Astana’s entry in Wikipedia, or have I misunderstood the figures?


2 Responses to “Astana Weather in Wikipedia”

  1. WLB says:

    It actually does get very hot here in the summer. My first job here at a small consulting company, it was not uncommon for people to work with their shirts off in July and August.

  2. Chris Merriman says:

    I was happy enough in a T-Shirt in April, when we arrived, summer itself was definitely way hotter than the figures quoted in Wikipedia, unless it is some sort of average of (day+night)/2 ?