Another day closer to Christmas, another month’s worth of Anna’s photos published! I know there is normally a lot more accompanying text to these sort of posts, but I’m hoping people will prefer to let the photos speak for themselves, rather than wait for me to have the time to write long paragraphs in the future. If I stick to a month of catch up pictures per day, we should be up to real-time just before Christmas. Anyway, enough typing, let the photos start here…
Dec 14 2011
December 15th, 2011 4:26 am
This is actually a great idea to sum up a month, especially if done on a monthly real time basis. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with mostly photos. We can ask the odd question here and there if we feel the need… what on earth is that big bready pudding looking thing with the middle scooped out on the table in the photo of “compusory hats” no.10/26 ?
December 15th, 2011 4:43 am
It is plov, but with a pastry casing holding it together.
Numbers more useful when order of gallery is random each time you load it. (Skimmer’s eye fatigue means random order of photos = more likely to see more of the month’s pictures compared to leaving in same order.