Sep 02 2007

Almaty Academia Blog

Category: KazakhstanChrisM @ 4:34 am

It sometimes pays to visit the sites of those people who comment at the same sites as you. For example, I came across the KIMEP blog today, which details the issues currently surrounding those who attend or work at the university in Almaty. Although the posts written in Russian are well beyond my very basic comprehension skills, the English language posts certainly make for gripping reading. If you or anyone you know hopes to work there (especially foreigners) or attend courses there, it may serve you well to do a little research here, and ask questions of the Uni staff before committing to anything. This sort of site, although obviously written by one person with a pre-existing issue with the establishment, definitely embodies just why blogs are very useful to those wishing to obtain a more balanced picture than can be achieved with simply reading official literature.

The blog used to be found at – but has been removed…


2 Responses to “Almaty Academia Blog”

  1. the KIMEP Blogger says:

    Thanks for the name-check! It’s really appreciated.

  2. Chris Merriman says:

    You are very welcome. Feel free to give me a nudge if you have any new posts that you particularly want linked to in the future…