Something like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious or antidisestablishmentarianism might be. Anyway, why sorry? It has been a while since I posted anything on the blog (truth be told, the Anna pictures and video posts were written and post dated a while back). Assuming you don’t count the tweets from last week (in case you are new to this site, any post without a title, or date shown, on the front page originated from my twitter account, normally from my phone), nothing has been written. With Anna’s swimming classes, the guide to Astana I wrote for MoveOneRelo, a pretty bad head cold and transferring Anna’s UK camcorder videos to our PC and then YouTube, I haven’t had a lot of spare time. So, hopefully this trend will stop, and I already have nine new videos of Anna to post soon. I also seem to have about thirty sites/pages bookmarked to write about in the future, though some are already a year old, and may need culling.