So, given that these photos and video of Anna trying a (mixed fruit?) purée for one of the first times were taken on the 26th of August, I am only just over a week late in posting these. OK, add a few more days as I’ve scheduled this post to go live on September 6th (if I’d published them all in one go, some would have fallen off the front page of this blog straight away), but still, I’ve only one more post after this before I’ve exhausted the ‘To Do’ folder in Anna’s pictures collection sitting on my hard drive. We were sat in the kitchen, watching Anna munch on some real veggies, and decided it was time to try out this form of food, in case we ever needed something quick and easy to server her. She took to the food with no problems, and managed to get the hang of accepting a spoon of food quite quickly. Obviously, just like when she ‘eats’ whole vegetables or fruit, the majority of the food ends up on the high chair or bib, but the idea is to get her used to pushing the food around her mouth in plenty of time before weaning occurs. Enough of the witter, onto the photos and video…
September 7th, 2009 3:26 am
The second one is only a second long but otherwise great vids 🙂
September 9th, 2009 12:56 am
Thanks for the heads up. As you may have guessed, I just bulk uploaded all the videos from the past few months in one go, and didn’t always pay a lot of attention to their length etc. I’ll remove it from youtube and this post now.
September 9th, 2009 4:46 am
You have a cute baby. I remember my son never refusing food when he was your daughter’s age. Now he’s 3 and a really fussy eater.
September 14th, 2009 11:25 pm
Anna has just recently decided that vegetable only purées are not her cup of tea. She’ll eat carrots etc. raw, but unless there is some fruit in the mashed up version, she isn’t really interested right now.
September 15th, 2009 2:27 am
Do you make your own purées or use the dodgy glass jars of stuff? Not that I’ve had any experience but a girl I used to work with at Anderson Griffin said she used to buy a load of mini plastic pots then mash up all her own veggies and fruit and freeze them. They were still easy and instant to use but it meant she knew exactly what was in them and that they were nice and healthy with no additives or preservatives!
September 15th, 2009 3:04 am
Both. Anna already ate fruit and veg out of the in-law’s garden, and some of those are used to make purées.
WeIra does the same thing as you mentioned – freeze tiny pots of them, so as to not waste any. We also buy pots of manufactured purées, as we want Anna to get used to a wide range of tastes.September 15th, 2009 3:25 am
Fair enough, that’s cool then. Sounds like she loves her food in all varieties at the moment 🙂