Oct 31 2008

Face Fuzz Reduced

Category: Personal,PicturesChrisM @ 3:01 pm

I have not done a good job recently with trimming the beard to a tidy length, and the stubble around it meant it had pretty much lost all shape. So, a few days ago (OK, OK, a week, I just didn’t get around to finding the mini tripod to enable self-portrait until now) I decided to trim the hair down to the bare minimum, and shape it into a Van Dyke style goatee. Anyway, it has been a long time since I posted a picture featuring me on the blog, so here is one for you to snigger at.

Face Fuzz Reduced

Face Fuzz Reduced

And as it is Halloween, here is a quick Photoshop (can’t remember exactly what I did, something along the lines of negative re-applying the original image on top, with some settings to prevent the skin from also going negative.)

Halloween Face Fuzz Reduced

Halloween Face Fuzz Reduced

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