Jul 15 2007

Robocop v0.02a

Category: Aware Or Conspiracy Nut...,In The Media,PersonalChrisM @ 2:14 am

British Police To Don Head Cams

I read about this over at a FoxNews page (I tried to find a less objectionable site to link to, but, right now at least, this article was the best quality!)

In an effort to cut down on some of the paperwork and red tape inherent to court cases, more police officers will be wearing the helmet or head cameras, and recording when suspects are breaking the law. If I had recently been the victim of a crime, I would probably feel relieved to read this. As it is, I just see this as another nail in the coffin of any sort of privacy in Britain. We already have more of our day recorded by CCTV cameras than anywhere else on earth. (Assuming you live and work in a town or city). The idea that footage from one or two viewpoints is always going to portray the full story is also a bad assumption to work towards. I think it could become far too easy to rely on video evidence rather than actual investigations.


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