Jun 13 2007

Impressive Either Way

Category: Internet Connections,Personal,VideosChrisM @ 10:07 pm

Today is a good day – our (highly localised & monopolistic) ISP has finally added a data unlimited package to their ADSL deals.
Previously, we were paying $110 for just 700 megabytes per month. We still only have a 256Kbit/sec connection, and the cost for this new package is more than before, but now there is no limit on how much I can download. Before the change over, every 10 megs I downloaded over the 700Mb limit cost another dollar seventy five!

Why the long winded explanation? Well I decided to check out a few random clips on YouTube during a break today, and came across this gem.

First time you watch it, the accuracy of the throwing is amazing. Then you start to notice a few things, that indicate the video was edited, however, even so the quality is pretty impressive and realistic. Check it out for yourself…

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