Oct 28 2008

Catchup 4 – Getting More Random!

Category: Dasha&Kittens,PicturesChrisM @ 4:41 am

Almost done now…
We have Gwen looking as cute as she knows, in the hope someone will give her a treat, or take her for a walk, or stroke her, or anything really, she isn’t fussy 🙂
Next, we have a very blurry photo. Sorry, again, shaky hand + mobile phone camera do not lead to great shots. However, Karra just looked SO cute sleeping under the duvet, I had to post it. I wish I could have tip-toed into the room so she hadn’t woken up, but I still think she looks sweet.
Finally, back in Britain again, we were stopped somewhere for a quick break from driving, I think, when I noticed the car you see before you. I’ve seen such an array of stickers in computer games, especially in the Need For Speed series, but it just looked so much more tacky in real life…

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