Aug 10 2007

BG Charity Event – Part #3

Category: Eating Out,Friends,Kazakhstan,PersonalChrisM @ 7:10 pm

So, as promised, here are further details of the rest of Wednesday’s charity event to raise funds for the Kazakh Paralympics team, organized by BG Kazakhstan…
Mira volunteered for a dance competition, where random pairs coupled up to dance to some music. Nothing too unusual so far, however every minute or so, the track was changed for something of a different genre, and the couple had to smoothly make the transition into a new dancing style more in line with the new music. At least that was the theory, however the DJ appeared to be having a little technical difficulty in getting her tracks to change. Anyway, in the end all entrants were awarded with a nice umbrella, which was put to good use on the walk home to our flat at the end of the evening.
In between competitions, we had a couple of singers to provide some background noise. Luckily, they were not too loud, so Mira and I had an opportunity to speak to each other a little. The deal was I would try and speak as much Russian, as she did in English. If you are reading this Mira, I think you still owe me a few ????????? ????? 🙂
We then had a lady perform a traditional Kazakh dance, that I had not seen before.
More to come in a moment, need to decipher the rest of the messages I was typing out 🙂

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