Sep 17 2007

Amsterdam Disclaimer…

Category: Amsterdam,PersonalChrisM @ 3:25 pm

Come Friday afternoon, I will be in Amsterdam, with Alex and ChrisD. Anyone reading this blog over the last couple of months will already be aware of this fact, however I have been checking the terms and conditions of the various sponsored posts schemes I use, and I need to make something clear…
I will be posting trip reports on this blog, reviewing both the places we visit (coffeeshops, hopefully the Escher museum, and a proper canal boat trip) as well as the quality of the smokables. In order to not get my blog banned, I need to make one thing clear – DO NOT break the law where ever you are. When I refer to smoking something nice, I am in no way suggesting that you should smoke anything illegal in your own country. To do so would be to risk being banned, and if anyone should break the rules and regulations in their country, I would not wish this blog to have been a catalyst in any shape or form.
I will try and remember to link back to this post each time I mention something from Amsterdam that would be illegal elsewhere, but do feel free to remind me in the comments section of the relevant post if I forget.
Illegal drugs are bad.
They are just not criminalised in all nations…
Thankfully I do not need to post a separate disclaimer for caffeine, alcohol or nicotine, as these are not illegal, at least in the countries that the sponsored posts schemes are based.

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