Mar 21 2008

52 Gun Metal Pearls for Alanis Nickel?

Category: VideosChrisM @ 3:46 am

My thanks to Kate, over in Gloucester for the heads up on this video. If you haven’t come across Tim Hawkins before (I certainly hadn’t), spare five minutes to listen to and watch this video. The impersonations are pretty spot on when it comes to famous musicians, and the video (created by ‘Burnin8r55555’ – now theres a name you might just mistype…) is a pleasant enough accompaniment to it.

It reminded me I seriously need to improve my music library, I couldn’t find anything other than a few tracks by Pearl Jam for starters.
One of the problems some people have when impersonating celebrities is that they can only really mimic a certain singing style or accent, but the range of music and delivery styles was pretty impressive 🙂

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