Jun 10 2010

Troublesome Poles

Category: VideosChrisM @ 11:23 am

Does anyone know for sure whether the following video is a fake/staged set up or not? I do not remember ever hearing of a wedding that included a pole dancing kit, perhaps this is the reason why?

Some of the shots and angles just seem too convenient, and only the bride (at least only she appears to) having a bloody nose just doesn’t feel genuine. I wish there was some sort of TinEye image search equivalent for videos, does anyone know of a service like that?

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Jun 09 2010

Swansea Beach

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 10:59 pm

On the same day (22nd of February) as Anna having a little drink, we headed down to Swansea beach again. It was good for Anna (and us (Ira, Seb and me)) to grab some fresh sea air, and Gwen seemed to enjoy the opportunity to be allowed off the leash and have a run around. Other dog owners often come to the beach with the same idea in mind (dogs are only restricted to being on a leash in Summer months, when more tourists visit), which means that Gwen can socialize freely. This often means run towards another dog, then running away as soon as they show some interest.
Anyway, other than Anna taking some temporary interest in an old soup can in the sand, there isn’t a lot going on in these videos, but it is interesting for us to see how Anna’s walking has changed these last few months, if nothing else…

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Jun 08 2010


Category: VideosChrisM @ 12:51 am

As I write this post, the following video has been watched over 25 million times (and that is just with the original, some of the pointless re-posts on YouTube have had over a million as well!), so it is reasonably likely you’ll already have seen this song.
If Greyson Chance (12 year old boy) singing Paparazzi (a Lady GaGa song) doesn’t ring any immediate bells, click play below now!

I’m glad to see the YouTube comments are now mostly positive, he had a lot of haters on there for a while. OK, so this isn’t the sort of thing I normally post here on ChrisMerriman.com , but the vocal talent (and arrangement skills) of someone so young just blew me away. Some of the girls in the back manage to maintain a totally not interested look throughout, but I’m guessing the blond in the top right might just be interested… Anyway, Greyson tweets and is on facebook, so leave a message of support if you want to show that lip syncing, fame grabbing, talentless media stars (Simon Cowell, you have a lot to answer for) aren’t what impress everybody.

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Jun 03 2010

Riding On The Railings

Category: VideosChrisM @ 2:15 am

I’m about to head to be, so don’t have a lot of time to write a description for this video, but if you have a spare couple of minutes, please do watch the video. If you’re really pressed for time, I think the interesting stunts are performed from around the one minute mark. If the whole world already knows about Danny MacAskill and Inspired Bicycles, and I’m just the last to come across this clip from YouTube, my apologies.

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Jun 03 2010

Guinness And The Beach

Category: Anna's PhotosChrisM @ 1:38 am

Another shot (still picture rather than video this time, especially for anyone with difficulties watching YouTube videos due to work based filters etc.) of Anna getting a taste for Guinness, and also of Anna and Irina on the beach. For anyone who hasn’t read this blog before, I have to separate the photos and videos of Anna into separate posts, as when they are automatically imported into Anna’s site, any posts from this site that are in multiple categories get duplicated. I also tend to mention the date the photos or videos were taken (22nd of February in this case), as at some point I hope to amend the dates posts are shown as published on her site, so they reflect the original day the images were taken.
Anyway, enough long winded explanations, onto the pictures…

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Jun 03 2010

Drinking A Can Of Guinness A Day

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 12:59 am

Back to Anna’s photos and videos once more. Once the blog has caught up with the UK clips and pictures, I’ll try and make sure those taken in Kazakhstan are posted quickly, and hopefully get close to real time publishing once more.

This one is very short, taken on the 22nd of February 2010. In the UK, there is a safe limit advised by the government, when it comes to how much alcohol you can drink a day. One can of normal strength beer isn’t a problem, however the size of the can might just have some sway in the decision making process, normally…

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May 24 2010

Convert Life To A Game

Category: VideosChrisM @ 2:29 pm

Someone else’s life obviously, I’m perfectly happy with my own, thanks 🙂

A hat-tip is due to Owen’s Ugh!!’s Greymatter Honeypot blog for posting this last Friday. Though I’d disagree with the post’s title – the graphics seem more like 16-bit than 8-bit 🙂 Though I agree the gameplay and sound effects are more like one from Sega Master System times.

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May 06 2010

Election Time

Category: VideosChrisM @ 1:14 am

Most people would probably guess I am not a Tory loving blogger, however with Labour having swung so far away from their roots, I only hope any Lib Dem pact resulting from Thursday’s election results will bring about some positive change, if only in terms of the way seats are allocated. I am not necessarily saying that proportional representation is perfect, but the current system has been broken for a long time.
Anyway, enough skirting around UK political issues, onto the serious stuff…

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Apr 27 2010

Anna’s Birthday Cake

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 5:46 pm

Not much to say with this video, as you may have guessed from the title, it features Anna on her birthday, about to taste her first ever birthday cake. The rest of the year, we’re pretty careful about sugar (and salt) levels in the food she eats (a little more difficult here in Kazakhstan, as the selection is narrower), but for that one day, pretty much anything was allowed 🙂
Anyway, here she is, sat in her highchair (this one is a little seat that you can attach to most normal “adult’s” chairs, and worked out pretty well), having already blown out her candles…

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Apr 27 2010

Anna’s Birthday Car

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 5:44 pm

This is another toy that the authorities held onto for a while before allowing the parcel to eventually arrive (after a large amount of fees were paid). The push along car extends so you can place a seat on it, and since her birthday, not only has her walking improved (perhaps a coincidence, but in any case she can now control the car well), but she is able to get on and off it (when the seat is put in place), without our help, and normally she even ends up facing the right way!
She hasn’t yet started pushing herself along when sat in it, and doesn’t seem to want to raise her feet from the ground to allow us to push her, but in any case, most mornings she can be found ramming sofas, walls or any slow moving cats with glee. (The glee is hers, our cats have tended to jump out the way a lot more quickly now.)

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