Dec 03 2009

Anna With Improvised Toy Arrangement

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 5:54 pm

Gwen was obviously feeling a little left out on the 1st of April, as Ira and I were both videoing Anna in her cot downstairs, and so resorted to throwing toys at us, in the hope of reminding the silly humans what we were supposed to do with cow and blue dog.
You can see the improvised mobile/bed toy arrangement Ira created from pushchair toys and some shoelace/string/ribbon (?)

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Dec 02 2009

John, Mum, Anna And Seb In Clydach

Category: Anna's Videos,FriendsChrisM @ 5:51 pm

This was recorded on the 22nd of March in Clydach, with Anna reacting to John’s funny noises. Can’t quite decide if she was tired or just busy filling her nappy.

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Dec 01 2009

Hitting The Beach With Anna

Category: Anna's Videos,Friends,PersonalChrisM @ 5:30 pm

Skipping forward a little, this camcorder video was shot on the 22nd of March, meaning Anna was now one month and a day old. Seb had come over ( 🙂 ), and we decided to have a walk along Port Talbot beach, so he, I, Irina, Anna and Gwen all piled into the car, and drove down a few junctions on the motorway. It was a pretty good day weather wise, considering it was a) Britain, b) Wales specifically and c) Only March!
Seb found some driftwood to take home (the Mondeo obviously wasn’t full enough yet!) for Mum and John, and we all managed to get some fresh air and I think we even squeezed in a quick fish’n’chips shop visit.

Oh the ‘depends if there are any dogs around’ was a reference to letting Gwen off her lead. She is only a little dog, and wants to make friends with everyone/any dogs. Some dogs get a bit aggressive and she doesn’t defend herself very well.
Also, please excuse the wind on the microphone, didn’t have a sponge to stick on it sadly.

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Nov 30 2009

Tummy Time, Snuffles, Ah-Ah And Gwen

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 5:22 pm

This short video was shot on the 6th of March, with Anna having some tummy time on the floor. The snuffling was just how her little nose sounded when she was very little, most of the time she now sounds absolutely fine 🙂
The ah-ah you can hear being handed out is to Gwen, who was still very interested to discover what the newest addition to the house smelt like, and whilst she doesn’t have a bad bone in her body, we were obviously very cautious with Anna around Gwen at the beginning.

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Nov 29 2009

Cousin Thrice Removed?

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 5:19 pm

OK, so I can’t figure out right now exactly what relation Alan (Dana’s son) is to Anna officially, but I’m hoping they’ll get to meet again soon. This video was again shot on the 5th of March, when Anna was just under two weeks old. Irina and I were speaking to Dana via Skype, and decided to place ourMum’s webcam over Anna’s cot, as she seemed a much prettier subject 🙂

As I write this post, Anna is again asleep in a cot, looking a lot older, bigger and more ‘with it’. She is however in an identical hands up/surrender pose during her slumber 🙂

Hmm, I should probably check with Irina what was being said in Russian, to ensure nothing private/rude has been published…

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Nov 29 2009

If You Are Waiting For A Reply, Sorry

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 12:04 am

I have let my inbox pile up once more, so to friends waiting for a reply, people who have left comments on this blog and are awaiting approval/replies, or to the couple of web directories that have asked for my participation/permission to use my Kazakhstan posts, apologies. I’ll try and get most of them sorted by the end of this coming week. It was quite a surprise to receive the request to use my information on this country, as I normally find that (less reputable) sites simply scrape my content. Even though they usually include a link back to the original post on this site, it is still a lot nicer to be noticed by a real human being, and in this case they want to summarize posts, to avoid any duplicate content penalty from the search engines.
I also hope to get around to posting some of the older videos shot here in Astana and a few from Dubai and Britain soon, as I re-uploaded them to my newer YouTube account (AstanaClydach), and some of this site’s newer visitors won’t have seen them before they were unceremoniously removed by the powers that be over at YouTube. I’ve learnt my lesson, and there’ll be no short clips of BBC shows I like with this new account.

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Nov 28 2009

Clothes Flowers, Camera, Friends And Gwen

Category: Friends,VideosChrisM @ 11:48 pm

In this video, shot on the 5th of May, you can see the brilliant present that Nick and Roz sent for Anna – a baby clothes bouquet. You’ll need to trawl through May’s posts to see the various pictures of it. We also have the preparations for a photo shoot, where Anna’s little feet were cradled in some big hands, and surprisingly enough, given that this was shot in Clydach, you’ll also see Gwen popping up 🙂
By the way the camera belongs to, and the main photographer is John, we weren’t using his studio as the garage was too cold for Anna, and the nice man you see in the kitchen is Kevin, who was very helpful, as ever.

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Nov 24 2009

RT @luckyinKZ: “I really wonde…

Category: TweetsChrisM @ 10:53 pm

RT @luckyinKZ: “I really wonder how many Chinese vloggers there’d be if they had youtube.a shame”*cough* Tor *cough* Unless it doesn’t help?

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Nov 20 2009

Big Cot, Little Baby

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 1:16 am

March the 5th saw Anna asleep downstairs in her cot. The noises you hear were her little blocked up nose. Saline drops did the trick, but she didn’t really seem to enjoy them. Anyway, as she grew bigger and her nasal tubs expanded, that phase was certainly grown out of. For a little while, it was actually disconcerting to listen to her sleep in a dark room – without the snoring, how could you tell she was breathing? I’ll just turn the light on a minute. Yes, she is fine…. Five minutes later, hmmm, no noises for a while, I hope she is OK, I’ll just check she is OK. Dawn arrives. Parents eventually become a little less neurotic 🙂

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Nov 20 2009

A Snort But No Farts

Category: Anna's VideosChrisM @ 12:39 am

Shot on March the 1st 2009, Anna is now eight days old. She is sat on the sofa with Aunty Chris holding her, and you’ll see Irina, John (Aunty Chris’ John, that is) and Mum towards the end of the clip.

I should point out the raspberry sound is me attempting to get Anna’s attention, not anything she produced personally 🙂

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