
An American expat living in Astana, Kazakhstan

Tag archive for ‘Team Astana’

  • The Dream Team is Over

    The Dream Team is Over

    After Contador’s win at the Tour de France and Lance Armstrong’s third place finish (not to mention Team Astana’s Andres Kloden in sixth place), Team Astana seemed to have demonstrated itself as a cycling power on the world stage. Unfortunately that will all come to an end now. Lance Armstrong has confirmed that he will […]

  • Light at the End of the Tunnel

    Team Astana will probably meet the UCI deadline of May 31stand retain its license. However the UCI has requested new guarantees of the team in order to ensure that it stays in the black to the end of the year. UCI threatened Team Astana with revocation of its license after the Kazakh sponsors failed to […]

  • Good News and Bad News

    Good News and Bad News

    There’s some bad news for Kazakhstan officials who wish to hold on to Team Astana and its stable of super stars. The riders are protesting the fact that staff have not had their salaries paid by wearing faded jerseys in the Giro d’Italia. Specifically, the new jerseys show only faded logos sponsors who have not […]

  • Kazakhstan May Lose Its Team

    Following up on my earlier post about Team Astana’s financial problems, I see that ESPN is reporting that Lance Armstrong’s team may be suspended if they do not meet their financial obligations by the 31 May of this year. Team Astana is funded primarily by state-owned companies under the national holding company, Samruk-Kazyna. However recently […]

  • Team Astana in Trouble

    Despite their roster which includes Lance Armstrong, Contador and Leipheimer, Team Astana has been having financial issues. The team is sponsored by a number of state-owned companies including Air Astana, Kazakh Temir Zholi, KazMunaiGas and Kegoc. It also has a number of domestic and international sponsors including Trek, Nike and KazakhMys. However, Nikolai Proskurin, Vice-President […]

  • Team Astana

    Team Astana

    Denise Gladwell A great shot I found on Red Bubble of Team Astana in the Tour de France in 2007. Wanted to share it with you, and also pique anticipation of Lance Armstrong’s coming to the team soon!

  • Armstrong Will Probably Have to Be Photographed in a Robe and Beanie Now

    It’s official Lance Armstrong did announce that he will be joining Team Astana. He will not be taking a salary or any bonuses so Team Astana got a good deal. Most people agree that Armstrong chose the Kazakhstan team because of his former coach, Johan Bruyneel. And the presence of Alberto Contador, the 2007 Tour […]

  • Is Team Astana Going for a Tour de France Win in 2009?

    Now that Team Astana has Alberto Contador, the Tour de France champion, Johan Bruyneel, the former coach of Discovery, and now Dirk Demol also of Discovery, it makes sense that rumours are flying that Lance Armstrong will join the team in 2009. However, all that Lance is saying is that he will return to cycling […]