
An American expat living in Astana, Kazakhstan

Tag archive for ‘Kostanai’

  • UFOs in North Kazakhstan

    I haven’t seen anything, but apparently there was a mass UFO sighting. The News-Kazakhstan agency (Kaz-Tag) has video of a glowing ball moving about which would be more convincing if we could see anything else in the shot at all. A photo posted on the same site also shows a tiny white blur in the […]

  • Better Than a Guard Dog

    An old story that I never got around to posting about: Apparently a circus owner from Kostanai came to Karaganda to buy a lion for his circus. That’s not unusual; there’s a zoo in Karaganda. He picked him up in a Gazelle, which is a big moving van style truck. And the lion was locked […]

  • When You're Big in Japan

    When You’re Big in Japan

    Kazakhstan has its first iPhone/iPod app. Though a program that transliterates your name into Japanese may not seem very useful, Korotoff Republic based in Kostanai is just testing the iWaters.