
An American expat living in Astana, Kazakhstan

Tag archive for ‘Environment’

  • Not a Drop to Drink

    Presidential candidate Mels Yeleusizov is calling for Kazakhs to save water. Especially in the south and west, lack of water is a serious problem, particularly potable and clean water. And for some reason conservation of water (or gas or anything else) doesn’t seem to have permeated the culture. On the other hand, the average citizen […]

  • Wind Energy

    I am pleased to read that Kazakhstan is considering developing more wind energy. At the moment, Kazakhstan has no wind farms, something that those of living out on the steppes are surprised to hear. The wind never stops in Astana so wind farms seem a logical choice. Apparently for the moment though, the priority is […]

  • Genghis Khan was good for the environment

    An interesting article I stumbled on: Mongols, Vikings, and Romans Connected to Climate from the Discovery Channel, citing a paper in The Holocene, a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Apparently wide scale elimination of cities or populations reduces the amount of farmland, meaning that the land reverts back to forest land. Forests absorb more carbon dioxide than […]