Alga Kazakhstan
Is this the official song of the 7th Asian Winter Games? All Davai, Kazakhstan’s answer to NSYNC or the Backstreet Boys with Alga Kazakhstan.
Alga Kazakhstan means roughly “Let’s go, Kazakhstan!” The song isn’t any worse than Waka Waka, or any other major sports event, it’s kind of catchy and it hits the right notes (We’re ready, the fans are excited, our team will kick butt) but it would have been nice if they hadn’t taken the main theme from whatever techno song that “Da da da da didi da da da da da” theme is originally from.
Actually, this anthem is based on the locally-famous “Fristailo” video (, which is itself based on misheard lyrics of the globally-famous hit “Freestyler” by Bomfunk MC’s (
But that beat progression was famous way before that. Maybe that’s where Al Davai picked it up.
Oh, I’ve just seen that you’ve already written a post on the Fristailo long ago. Sorry. 😉
Yes, the beat is not new. To me it sounds like being taken from some eurodance of the 90’s, maybe Snap! or something like that.
Algha, Kazakhstan!!!!!,
Salem from bulakh kazakh culture innnovation site